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10-meter law -  When a player is tackled any time, all defenders, except two markers, have to retreat 10 meters from the play-the-ball area.

18th man -  A player is chosen as a back-up to the authorized 17-man squad for a match. The 18th man generally practices with the team earlier to a match and perhaps called into the team if any player is injured or ill earlier to the start of the match.

20-meter restart -  Play will continue again from the 20metre line if: an attacking player touches the ball prior it goes out of play above the dead-ball line, apart from a penalty or a kick-off or if a defending player picks a kick from usual play from another team player on the full inside their in-goal area.

40/20 rule -  When a player is 40 meters (not more than that) away from his try line and able to a kick a ball in usually play which bounces and touches his opponents, 20-meter area, his side resume the game with a tap 20m from the touchline and level with where the ball went out of play generally 10m (not more than that) to the goal line of defending team.


A-defender -  The defender present in the defensive line which is either right or left of the play-the-ball.

Above the horizontal -  One determining factor of a dangerous tackle. When defenders lift an attacking player off the ground to the point where their feet are higher than their head. Lifting in such a way can be a pioneer to the outlawed spear tackle.


Backs -  Refers to the player's group generally numbered 9 through 15 who do not take part in scrums and line outs, apart from the scrum-half.

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Ball and all -  A type of tackle, which helps the player being tackled to become able to offload the ball to a team member. It is useful to continue the attack before the tackle has been completed.

Ball-carrier -  The player who has the ball in hand.

Ball-carrying arm -  An instance wherein a tackle can be considered completed when the ball-carrying arm of attacking player touches the ground simultaneously that a defending player is in contact with the attacker.

Banana kick -  A medium-range kick, which goes to offside of the kicker instead of in front, for chasers further afield. The aim of this kick can't be predictable as compare to conventional kicks and therefore named banana kick since the rise and fall of the ball is in a curve manner that looks like a banana.

Binding -  The careful way players grip and grasp each other to create a safe scrum, ruck, or maul. This important skill ensures the safety of players.

Black dot -  The crossbar's underside, which connects the goalposts. It generally has a black color marking in the center, therefore called the "black dot".

Break -  A breach of defender's line by the player in possession of the ball on the attacking team.

Bridging -  This refers to a team that is gathering or binding players mutually at the play-the-ball into a scrum-like formation.

Bust -  When a player breaks an attempted tackle by the other side.


Cannonball -  A dangerous tackle wherein a defender attacks the player's leg and being held upright by other tacklers.

Captain -  The player has chosen to guide a team on the field during a match.

Changeover -  Another phrase for handover. The attacking side has to surrender the ball to the opponent after it has been tackled six times. After that, the opponent picks up play from the point at which the tackle took place.

Charge-down -  When a player blocks the attacker's kick by outstretched arms and hands.

Chicken-wing -  To slow down the play-the-ball, a shoulder lock wrestling technique is generally used, which puts "undue pressure" on the joints of players. It is liable to be punished by under Section 15, Law 1.

Completion rate -  Refer to the duration of the ball's possession by a team for a full set of six tackles.

Cover defence -  The attempt to tackle an attacker who has breached the mainline of defenders.

Crusher tackle -  A risky tackle wherein a grounded player's chin is forcefully down towards his torso.

Cut out pass -  When attacking player passes the ball across the front of one of their team member and caught by a team member positioned more away. This pass perhaps used to move the ball more quickly away from defenders who are closing in and probably focusing on the player who is "cut out". Sometimes called cut out ball, face ball, or face pass as well.


Dead -  The ball is believed to be dead when it goes out of play beyond the dead-ball line.

Dead ball line-A boundary placed at each end of the playing field. The dead-ball line is out of play.

Dominant tackle -  A referee might call Dominant! since tackled player tries to prove the dominance of the defender over the attacking player during tackling. It is considered a good technique, which gives the defender extra time before the attacker must be free to play-the-ball.

Double movement -  An illegal movement attempted by a player to score a try. It is generally considered as an offense of illegally locating the ball over the try-line when a player is confirmed as ‘tackled’ and thus out of the game.

Downward pressure -  One of the important criteria, which must be fulfilled to get a try from the referee.

Drop goal -  This goal is scored when a player kicks the ball from the hand through the goalposts of another team. The ball is dropped to the field and is kicked just after the bounce - often difficult skill to master.


Engage -  This term is described in two ways: An attacking side engages, or attracts, a defender or defenders to manipulate their defensive position and take advantage of the attacking team. Or markers are essential to "engage" at the play-the-ball, which means they have to be in proper proximity to it.


Facial -  When a defending player makes a contact with the player-carrying ball during or after the completion of a tackle forcefully and illegitimately touching his face.

Falcon -  When the ball makes a contact with a person's head, usually accidentally.

Fend -  When the ball carrier repelling a tackler by his arm, also called "hand-off".

Field goal -  Also known as a flying kick or speculator, a way to scoring in the game. Generally, a player kicks the ball from the ground without using their hands in open play above the crossbar.

First 5/8th -  This refers to the back that wears jersey number ten and receives the ball from the scrum-half. Also known as Out-half, Outside half or 1st 5/8th, and Fly half.

Fixture -  Another phrase used for a rugby match.

First receiver -  The first person to receive the ball, from a scrum-half. This is usually the fly-half, but perhaps different player if the fly-half is not available, or a forward who will drive.

Flat -  Attacking play technique described by a lack of depth along the line of attacking players.

Flat pass -  This pass includes the ball-carrier and a team member being level when the pass is received. The player who is going to catch the ball perhaps runs faster than the ball-carrier, aiming for a space in the defense.

Flop -  A player who is not in the completion of a tackle tries to delay the ball-carrier from getting to their feet rapidly afterward by falling on top of those involved. The referee can give a penalty to the attacking side after noticing this tactic.

Four-tackle rule -  Introduced in December 1966. The rule finished the condition, a by-product from the opening of the play-the-ball in 1906, whereby teams have an unrestricted number of tackles. The tackle limit was raised from four to six tackles in 1972 to improve "disjointed" play.


Ger 'em onside -  A fraud of "get them onside" screamed to game officials in some northern England accents. The phrase is used mainly to convey dissatisfaction with the distance back from the play-the-ball, which the referee has taken the defending players.

Go -  In competitions below some authorities, the referee will call "Go" to convey the defensive line that they might go forward after an attacker has played the ball. It is used to cut stoppages to deal with offside offenses by defenders. This call perhaps used by the referee as part of a series: "Move, hold, go".

Golden point -  A sudden death overtime system generally utilizes to resolve drawn rugby league matches. When the scores are level after 80 minutes of a match, five minutes are played, the teams switch ends with no break, and a further five minutes are played. Scoring in this extra ten-minute period secures a win for the scoring team, and the game completes at that point.

Goose step -  When a player changes running style from a sprint to high kicking to slow down a defender.

Grapple tackle -  A tackling technique, considered controversial, as the tackler tries to hinder the ball carrier by applying a choke hold-like man-oeuvre. Although players may be penalized for its use, it is hard to enforce.

Grounding -  When a player places the ball down properly over the try line to score a try. The referee's decision to give a try depends on whether the ball was grounded properly or not.


Half break -  A situation wherein a ball carrier can get through the defensive line but is tackled earlier, they can make a clean break.

Handover -  When a team gives the ball to the opponent after being tackled six times.

Held -  Being held denotes that a tackler must carry on holding the ball-carrier until the ball-carrier is on the land. The referee announces "held" to declare a complete tackle if the ball-carrier is held motionless by defenders.

Hit-up -  This term is used for the ball carrier to run directly into the defensive line of the opponent.

Hold -  In competitions underneath some authorities, the referee will convey the defensive line that it is very early to go forward on attackers at the play-the-ball by calling "Hold!".


In and out -  A running curve formed by an attacking player. Often tried by quick attacking players once the main line of defending players has been break when they are left with the end player to beat. The ball-carrier curves their run more in the field, trying to make indecision in the defender, earlier than turning towards the corner and trying to reach the goal line first to score a try.

Inside backs -  Refers to a back who has the responsibility to make a gap for the outside backs outside him, i.e. the scrum-half, the fly-half, and the inside center.

Interception -  This refers to a passing play wherein the ball is received by the other team. A pass, which is intercepted by another team player.

Interchange -  If any team member is injured or just not playing good, they can be swap by a substitute, known as an interchange. Every team includes four interchange replacements that can use at any time during the game, however, the interchange is not able to substitute any player who has been sent to the sin-bin.


Limited tackles -  This rule was introduced in 1966, primarily with a four-tackle rule. The team has a ball that must surrender it their opponents, after using their tackles. Four tackle was the limit until it was increased to six tackles in 1972, which formed the six-tackle rule.

Line speed -  The defensive team's speed in rushing forwards to meet up the ball carrier from the tackle. Because the defensive team must retreat 10 meters after each tackle, the most important factor of defense is how much of 10 meters they can recover before contact with the ball carrier.

Loose carry -  A referee might decide that an attacking player did not adequately protect their possession of the ball as they came into contact with defenders; this is referred to as a loose carry. This interpretation permits a referee to decide if they believe the attacking player has done a knock-on or whether the defenders stripped the ball with the aim.


McIntyre system -  A playoff system formed by Ken McIntyre, an Australian lawyer, historian, and English lecturer, for the Victorian Football League in 1931, offers a benefit to teams or competitors qualifying higher.

Marker -  The defending site may place two of their players, called markers at the play-the-ball opposite the tackled player and the dummy-half from the attacking side.

Milking -  The attacker when in the ruck will fall to the field when touched by the defender trying to gain a penalty. If the umpire is not conned he may scream "Milking!".

Momentum rule -  This rule is related to forward passes law. It has been judged by the momentum of the player that whether a ball has been illegally passed forward or not.


One-on-one tackle -  A colloquial term describing a phase of play in rugby league wherein a single defender tries to tackle the ball carrier.

Optional kick -  The way to bring the ball back into play. The player can kick the ball in any way and in any direction.

Outhalf/Outside half -  Refers to the back, who wears jersey number ten and generally gets the ball from the scrum-half.


PacRim -  The spring tournament held every year between the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, and Japan's national men's team.

Parramatta Wall -  A set-piece move with many variations wherein attackers stands side-by-side before their goal line while their team members try to obscure the ball and confuse the defenders of the other team. The name is derived from the Parramatta Eels.

Placer -  The player who used to hold the ball in place for a kicker for the duration of a place kick try.

Play-the-ball -  Restarting play in different instances during a game, however, most-commonly instantly following a tackle.

Powerplay -  When the player runs the ball on the fifth tackle instead of kicking it.

Punt-out -  Between 1897 and 1902, Punt-out was a choice for the way to restart play after the ball had gone into touch. Players generally kick the ball from the touch-line into play, in any direction. Also known as Kick-in.


RefereeThe sole umpire and timekeeper of the game.

Rooks -  This refers to a person who has an excellent knowledge of the Rugby League.


Scramble -  The defense's state following a break, with players moving back, attempting to make a cover tackle or getting back onside if the attacking player has already been tackled.

Second man play -  A move that involves a decoy runner.

Send off -  After many cruel foul, the referee can choose to expel a player from the game. The player cannot be a substitute, which results in one person short in a team. Generally, the sent off the player is banned for one match, however, depending on the offense severity, the player can be banned for more than one match to life.

Scissors move -  An attempt causing disruption and violation in the defense of the other team. The attacker carrying the ball ahead will turn at an angle to their left or right, generally drawing with them the defender covering them and sometimes taking on another defender by running towards them. A team member of the ball carrier will run crossways and onward in the other direction just at the back of the ball carrier, getting a pass since they cross and then running on towards the disruption's point in the defense.

See you later -  A phrase occasionally used in a commentary that refers to a hand-off or fends.

Shape -  Positing of players in the field. Generally used when talking about the attacker's position when they are supporting the ball-carrier after a break.

Short side - The play-the-ball side has a shorter distance to the touchline.

Shot -  This phrase is used to admire a big hit on an opponent. Commentators generally say "Shot" when they observe a big, dominant tackle.

Sidestep -  An attempt for evading defenders by the attackers carrying the ball. By stepping to the side, the attacker is testing the defender's reaction and hoping to gain time and gap to move forward the ball.

Six-tackle rule -  This rule was brought in 1972, varying the rules on limited tackles, alleviating the "disjointed" play experienced with the four-tackle rule.

Sliding defence -  This defense needs that spaces are left at both edges of the field at the defensive line's end that aims to squeeze more players around the region of play. The attacking team gets less opportunity to run through the line.

Stand-off -  Also called "five-eighth", known to be the most skillful players in a team, generally a playmaker, and a tactical kicker for the team. This player has good interaction with the other playmaker positions and generally involved in most passing moves.

State of Origin -  Representative series wherein players are chosen for the states or territories where they initially played or played junior football mainly. The most famous rugby league state of origin is New South Wales vs Queensland in Australia.

Steeden -  Sports good manufacturer of Australia well known for manufacturing rugby league footballs.

Strip the ball -  The defender's action to remove the ball from the possession of the attacker. This is permitted if there is only one defender in contact with the attacking player.

Substitute -  Along with the 13 players on the playing field, each team can choose four substitutes as a replacement during the game.

Summer rugby -  In the northern hemisphere, rugby league led by Britain has gravitated rapidly towards playing in the summer instead of in the earlier winter seasons. The initial variation was made by the top level of competition in the UK when Super League I introduced in 1996 and played through the summer. Since then all the others are playing in summer.

Support -  Supporting players are putting themselves in a spot where they can assist a teammate. Effective support play is useful to make ground towards the opposition' end of the field or to score.

Surrender tackle -  A referee might call Surrender when a player almost collapses in the tackle. The referee will permit the defenders more time to free the tackled player. The ball carrier has an intention to earn an unfair advantage by having a quick play-the-ball and continuation of play.

Swinging arm -  Defender perhaps penalized by the referee if he caught using a swinging arm against the ball carrier in the tackle.


Threequarters -  Also called "outside backs", include the wingers and centers. This term was invented as the strategy and player formations of rugby football in the 1880s. The players located between the halves and the full-back were called the quarters; during the years when it becomes mandatory to have three players there, they were collectively called the three quarters.


Umbrella defence -  Also called "up and in defense" needs that players do not extend across the whole field. The defensive line is mainly susceptible to the edges around the wings, thus the best defensive measure in such a situation is a preventative measure. That means the aim is to prevent the attacking team from going to the wings or to interrupt any passes towards the boundary of the field.

Up the jumper -  Playing style planned to cut the opportunity of attacking players committing errors. This is generally accomplished by limiting passes in number and risk.


Wing forward -  Any of the two forwards, who wear jersey number 6 or 7. Also called breakaways they join the scrum outside of the locks just after the outside hip of the props. They can engage on the same side of the scrum or can focus on the weak side or strong side both. Also called Flanker.


Zam-buk -  It refers to an antiseptic that cleans the wound and prevents infection. The 'Zam-Buk' term found its way into rugby league by the St Johns ambulance-men who keep it in their kit-bags to take care of players on the field and sidelines.

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