0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T |U | V | W | X | Y | Z


10-Second Rule -  The time given to a team to progress the ball into the offensive box after crossing the midfield line.

12 Meter Fan -  A semi-circle region before each goal circle, surrounded by an arc 12m (39’4”) from the goal circles. Also known as “the fan”.

2 Minute Rule or “Keep it In” -  It takes place during the last 2 minutes of the match with one team in the lead and one behind. If the difference of score is 2-goals or less, the clock turns out to be a STOP CLOCK. If the difference of score is 3-goals or more, the clock changes to usual level timing rules

2-on-1 -  A situation in which an offensive player has beaten his challenger to form an advantage. Examples of such situations are 3-on-2, 4-on-3, 5-on-4.


20-Second Rule -  The time, given to a team to progress the ball upfield and above the midfield line after getting ball possession in the defensive half of the field.


ASSIST -  When one member of the team passes the ball to another teammate and the ball leads straight to a goal without the scorer having to move a defender.

ATW – Around the World -  When a player shoots or passes the ball by bringing the stick across a body and around the back. It is considered a difficult move to do in all of lacrosse.

Alley -  The offensive region, which exists from one goal post extended up to the top of the box and over to the edge of the box, and back down to the GLE (Right Alley and Left Alley).

Alligator Arms -  Coaches use this phrase when a lacrosse player has his arms in close when he passes or shoots. The suitable structure is to have both arms extended. You don’t wish to have alligator arms!

Attack -  Refers to a position resembling a forward in soccer. Generally, offensive players, who cannot shift to the defensive position of the field.

Attack Goal Area -  The area, classified by a line drawn sideline to sideline twenty yards from the face of the goal. The offensive team gets 10 seconds to move the ball into its attack goal area, after crossing the midfield line.

Attack area -  The lacrosse field's zone with the opponent's goal.

Attack/Attackmen -  The three players staying on the field's offensive side and generally focus on scoring.

Attacker -  Refers to players who have a responsibility to score goals. There are usually 3 attackers on each lacrosse team.

Attackman -  A player who tries to beat his defender by escaping causes another defenseman to slide, making an unbalanced position wherein he can either shoot or pass to some other player who is wide open.


BODY CHECK -   Making contact with opposing player from the front or side, generally between the shoulders and waist — when the opposing player has the ball or is within three yards of a loose ball.

BOX -  This term either refers to the region of the lacrosse field where a player who did the penalty has to sit or refers to a type of lacrosse, which is played in a hockey rink with turf.

BREAKOUT -   When the team, which is playing defensively gains possession of the ball, players generally become wide across the field to initiate a clear.

BTB – Behind the Back -   An advanced technique of shooting in which a player shoots or passes the ball behind his back.

Back Door -   Refers to an offensive cut made by the player behind the defender to get a pass.

Backbreaker -  A trick shot in which the stick is held by both hands over the head and the ball is hit underhand and behind the back AND between the legs.

Backer (Backer Zone) -   Refers to floating or roving defender, which follows the ball set to double

Backup - An offensive player near to the end line and set to run complete speed toward the line to getting back the possession of the ball on a missed hit. The man nearest to the ball on as it goes out of bounds receives the ball back, so never hit until you know you can score or you have an excellent backup. Also refers to a player "extra Stick".

Bag / Sack / Bagged Out -   Slang used for a pocket, generally an extremely deep one.

Baggataway -   Ojibwa Indians play this form of lacrosse.

Bagged out -   When the pocket of a stick of a player has been rigorously extended to the point where it becomes illegal.

Ball Hog -   Someone who only looks for his own shot as he doesn't willing to pass to an open team member who can score a goal.

Ball Hunt -   Players in the big grass or woods at the back of the goal looking for balls utilizing their sticks like scythes.

Ball or Ball down -   All players generally shout ball any time the ball is on the ground. Usually, this is the initial indicator to the player who had it that he has fallen it. The ball can even become an indication to the player to go after the ball rather than man.

Bar Down -  A shot, which pings off, to the base of the top crossbar and rebounds on a steep angle toward the ground into the goal.

Big (Play Big, Get Big) -   The term generally utilize in a Sag defense when a player is dropped in with their stick up in the lane to obstruct a pass or make a slide

Black Hole - Refers to a player who is so strong that nothing – not even light can flee from him.

Blocking -   Moving into the way of a player without offering space for the player to stop or alter direction.

Boarding -   Checking opponent players against the boards in indoor lacrosse is called Boarding. It is generally a penalty.

Body Check -   When one player makes contact with another player by his body.

Box Lacrosse -   Also called a box, boxla, or indoor lacrosse, which is an indoor edition of lacrosse played generally in North America. The game was invented in Canada in the 1930s, generally played between 2 teams of 5 players and one goalkeeper each. Generally, the playing area is known as a box, contrary to the open playing field.

Brave Heart -   A fun substitute to overtime played in few lacrosse summer and charity contests where 2 players from every team take the field, a goalie and a middie. The 2 middies challenge and go 1 on 1 full field until one score.

Bucket / Lid -   Refers to the Helmet that has laces in the back.

Buddy Pass -   A pass, which is lobbed high in the air such that defenders crush the recipient as he receives it.

Butt -   Refers to the end cap at the base of the lacrosse stick.


C-Cut -   Refers to a rounded cut by an offensive player in "C" shape. The aim of C-Cut is to make space between oneself and the defender.

CREASE -   A circle in the region of the lacrosse goal, which is the area of the goalkeeper. Only the goalkeeper and defensive players can make an entry in the crease and only the goalkeeper can handle the ball while in the crease.

Cage -  Another phrase for the goal.

Cannon / Crank / Frozen Rope / Rope / Lazer / Howie (howitzer) / Beam -   Refers to a powerful shot.

Catching - The action of getting the ball into the stick.

Celly - Refers to the celebration take place after a goal

Change planes -   When a player who is ready to shoot has a close-in shot, the goalkeeper must respect his shot-taking position. If the hitter holds his stick high, the goalie does the same. So, it is most effective for the shooter to begin high and hit low, or vice versa, which is generally considered as  ‘changing planes’

Charging -   When the ball-carrying payer meets a defender who has already set his position.

Cheap it (Cheap the ball) / Gilman - Jargon to clear the ball from the defensive end by making a long random pass into the offensive end.

Check (Stick Check) - Contact made with the stick of the defender to a carrier of ball's stick for dislodging the ball

Check-Up - Call made by the goalkeeper to inform each defender to find his man and shout out his number.

Checking - Refers to checking the stick as long as the whole stick is below shoulder level. The check has to be in a downward path and away from the body.

Clamp - A face-off trick, made by rapidly pushing the back of the stick on top of the ball.

Clamping - While face-off, a player pushes the rear of his stick down on the ball to get control of it.

Clear - When a player gets the ball out from the defensive half of the field and makes it into the offensive half, it is referred to as clear.

Clearing - Passing or taking the lacrosse ball out of the circle of goal.

Clearing Area - Area distinct by a line drew sideline-to-sideline twenty yards from the face of the goal.

Cleats - Lacrosse players generally use shoes with spikes to play on grass fields, which are called cleats.

Closing the Gate - The defenseman act to take away the top side by making his body poisoned with the intention that the attackman is forced to the inside and not permitted to go upfield.

Coast to Coast -  Only take place when a player adjacent to their end-line carries the ball all the way downs the field to the opponent's end of the field.

Cover -  When a player place the stick pocket on top of a ground ball to avoid others from scooping

Cradle -  The flowing side-to-side motion of the stick upholds the possession of the ball utilizing its own gravity and inertia while sprinting at top pace.

Cradling -   A technique utilized for keeping the ball in the lacrosse stick while sprinting, etc.

Crank -   A slang phrase used for describing a hard shot taken by a player who has time and room to conclude and fire it.

Crease Man - Refers to the offensive player playing at the crease position, which is a spot on the crease, generally widens from the top of the crease to 10 yards up over the crease.

Crease Position -   A place on the goal line, which is extended from and about one meter off from the goal crease.

Crispy with the Rock -   Refers to a player who has accurate feeding/shooting skill.

Critical Scoring Area -   Refers to an area, which is fifteen meters before and to each face of the goal and 9 meters behind the goal. 8-meter arc and twelve-meter fan are distinct in the area.

Cross Check -   This refers to an illegal check in which a player utilizes the shaft of his lacrosse stick to check the opposing player.

Crosse - The equipment utilized for throwing, catching, and carrying the ball

Cup Check -   When a player gets a strike in the groin region, generally a goalie. However, it's not easy to get the cup checked.

Cut -   When Offensive players make a cut towards the goal (trying to avoid a defender) for getting a pass and optimistically score.

Cutting -   When players make an action to move without the ball and place themselves in a good scoring position or to make a gap for another offensive player.


D Cut -  A trick utilized by an attackman to get open for a shot. The player begins on the GLE, about five yards away from the goal.

D-Middie (or Short Stick Defensive Middie) -  A short stick middie, which has a specialty to play defensively.

D-Pole -  Refers to the long pole (defensive pole) utilized by lacrosse defensemen. Not permitted for younger players.

DODGE -  A move by the player carrying the ball to advance past a defender.

De-Twig -  Refers to a defender dislocating the stick (twig) of an opponent out of his hand.

Defender -  Generally, three players are positioned on the defensive side of the field to prevent the opponent's shot from reaching the goal.

Defense -  Players placed down before the goal they are protecting

Defenseman -  Refers to the players generally three players who reside on the defensive side of the field for blocking or preventing the shot made by an opponent.

Defensive Area -  Refers to the area of the field where the team goal post resides.

Defensive Clearing Area - The area, classified by a line drawn sideline to sideline, twenty yards from the goal's face. Once the defensive is placed correctly, generally because of a loose ball or a failed clear.

Defensive Stance -  A position where the knee of the player remains bent, the feet are shoulder-width distant, the lead foot is a little in front, and the stick is held to match the stick of an opponent and to defend the body.

Dehuntshigwa’es -  Name of the person who invented the Lacrosse game. He was Native North Americans.

Deputy - A defender who can make an entry in the goal circle during the absence of the goalkeeper when her team has the ball. All players, apart from the goalkeeper, have to move outside the arc.

Dime -  Refers to a good pass or assist.

Dirty / Baller -  Used to denote a very good player.

Dish - Another slang phrase that refers to the passing of the ball from one team member to another, usually a short pass in a tense space.

Dive -  Refers to an illegal move. Generally in this move, a player dive into the crease while shooting and only if the ball crossed the goal's face before the shooter touched the ground, goal, or keeper.

Dominant Hand -  Refers to the natural hand of a player.

Door Step - The area right over the crease. Fed the attackmen right on the doorstep.

Double Team -  Efficiently, 2 defenders on the ball carrier

Draw -  A method to begin or resume play by which a ball is located in between 2 sticks held back to back and drawn up and away

Dust / Dusty - Refers to an untrained defensive player.


EXTRA MAN OFFENSE (EMO) -  An advantage of man, which results from a time-serving penalty.

Eight-Meter Arcs -  A semi-circular region before the goal, utilized for the supervision of major fouls. A defender might not stay in this region for more than 3 seconds unless having a stick's length of her opponent.

Elevator Shot -  An advanced shooting method, which involves shooting with a low sidearm or underhand, and from this position the ball rises to score in the top of the net. The arc of the ball remains low to high.

Extra Man (aka Man Up or EMO) -  Refers to the team, which has one player advantage over the opposing team in a penalty situation.


FACEOFF -  This method is used to put the ball in play at the beginning of the game, each quarter, half, or after a goal is scored by any team.

FEED -  A pass to an offensive player who is right before the goal or around the crease.

FLAG/DELAYED WHISTLE -  When a team that has possession of the ball commits the foul, a flag is thrown but no whistle will noise to end the play until the fouled team loses possession of the ball.

FOGO -  A phrase used for a player who takes face-offs but then runs off the field immediately afterward.

Face Dodge -  Refers to a dodge where the player brings the stick across his face rather than switching hands similar to a split dodge.

Face Dodging -  A player having a ball in possession cradles the stick crossways his face in an effort to dodge a stick-poking defender.

Face-Off -  To begin the match or after each score, the opponent player tries to win the ball in a face-off and control the beginning of play.

Failure To Advance -  When a team gets control of the ball in the defensive end, it has twenty seconds to cross midfield.

Fake -  A movement for example a pass or shot without completion in an effort to deceive the opponent

Fast Break -  An unsettled circumstance where the offense goes on a fast attack after a turnover. It is generally a 4-on-3 situation.

Feed Pass -  An offensive play wherein one player passes the ball to a cutting team member for a “fast stick” shot on goal.

Fish / NARP (Non-Athletic Regular Person) / Scrub -  Refers to an unskilled player.

Five Hole -  The open gap between the goalie's legs. A very skilled offensive player can score by the “five holes” by hitting between the legs of the goalie.

Five and five -  The area 5 yards wide and 5 yards upfield from the goal where an attackman tries to reach to shoot or feed.

Flag Down -  This term informs the offense that a penalty will be entitled. It means the offense has to do everything they can to get off a shot without dropping the ball to the ground that will stop play.

Flow -  This term is used for describing men's lacrosse players having long hair, which sticks out of the back of their helmet.

Foul Out -  Any player who builds up 5 minutes of personal fouls must be disqualified from the match.

Free Position -  A shot, which can produce easy goals in women's lacrosse. A free position shot takes place when a defender makes a major foul within the 8-meter arc.

Free Space to Goal (aka Shooting Space) -  The path towards the goal within the important scoring area, which is distinct by two lines widening from the ball to the outside of the goal circle.

Free shot -  Penalty granted from a hash mark on the 8-meter line when the main foul happens within the 8-meter arc. All players, apart from the goalkeeper, have to move outside the arc.

Free space to goal -  A path towards a goal within the vital scoring area is distinguished by two lines extending from the ball to the outer of the goal circle. None of the defensive players will be penalized if placed below the wing of the goal line.

Freshie -  Refers to the brand new lacrosse ball.

Full Strength -  This term indicates that no players on a team are serving up penalties.


GLE -  Stands for Goal line extended, which is considered as the imaginary line of the goal extensive to the sidelines for the aim of planning plays and describing placement on the field.

GOAT -  Acronym for "greatest of all time". For example Paul Rabil, a lacrosse player also known as the "goat".

Gamer -  Refers to stick, which is used in games. In addition, it means a player who constantly steps up in big games. That player is indeed a gamer.

Garbage Goal -  A goal, score in an anxious condition like on a rebound or loose ball before the goal.

Gilman -  Slang, used to describes that the ball is clear from the defensive end by a long random pass into the offensive end.

Gilman Clear -  The defender, usually the goalkeeper, clears the ball by throwing it long down the field.

Give & Go -  Refers to the act of passing and then immediately going for a return pass.

Go To X -  Coaching shouting “Go to X” is informing an attacker to take a place behind the goal.

Goal -  The structure, placed at both ends where players try to throw the ball into for a point. The goal is generally 6 feet by six 6 square.

Goal Circle (Crease) -   Refers to a circle in the region of the goal that only the goalie can enter.

Goal Keeper -  A player that stays in the crease and defends the goal

Goalie -  The last player of defense between the opponent's offense and the goal. His main responsibility is to prevent the opposing team's shots on goal.

Golfing It -  Making a hit like a golf ball.

Goon Squad -  Refers to the players on the bench, which never play and always rotate around.

Goose -  Slang phrase used to describe the situation where someone flips the ball (ice hockey-style) from the ground to his team member.

Grandma Goal -  When the ball strikes the outer part of the net and but only your grandma shots “NICE GOAL!”

Ground Ball -  A loose ball, which is on the ground.


HOLE -  A defensive region in front of the goal.

Handle (Shaft) -  Composite pole, aluminum, or wooden fixed to the head of the Crosse.

Hatty -  Short for a hat trick or 3 goals in one game.

Head -  Refers to the wood or the plastic part of the stick fixed to the handle.

Hold -  Similar to whip however from the sides

Holding -  Take place when a player obstructs the movement of the opposing team.

Hoover -  Refers to a ground ball machine.

Hot (Right, Left) -  The phrase used on defense to correspond which player is the 1st slide; for instance, an adjacent defender is informing the on-ball defender he is “hot right”


Interference -  Take place when a player obstructs in any way with the free movement of an opponent, excluding when that opposing player has possession of the ball, the ball remains in flight and within 5 yards of the players, or both players remain within 5 yards of a loose ball.

ISO (Isolation Play) -  Forming a one on one condition for a player.

Ice pick -  A check, in which the defender goes above the head of the offensive player in an effort to put the butt end into the pocket of ball carriers, which results in the dropping of the ball.

Illegal Screen -  When a player puts one without having his feet set, it is considered an illegal screen.

Illegal body check -  It is a penalty, which occurs after shots where the ball goes beyond five yards very rapidly.

In the Dirt -  The often compressed area approximately a 15-foot radius region in front of the goal. Shots from the outer pat of this area must be bounce shots, which are more complex for keepers to stop. Also called ‘hole’.

Indian Pick-up / Baltimore Crab -  A method to pick up a ball by rolling the top within the scoop above the ball, beginning it moving in that way while rotating the head under the ball rapidly to collect it in one motion.

Indirect free position -  An opportunity, given to the offense when a slight foul is done by the defense inside the 12-meter fan.

Invert -  An offensive arrangement or play wherein a midfielder will take the ball to a position generally occupied by an attackman or vice-versa, and then begin the offense.


Kayak -  One of the difficult and not highly useful checks to throw, i.e. wrapping a stick, butt end, first around a player, for the check.


LOOSE BALL -  A ball, which is not in possession of a player

LSM -  Stands for Long-Stick Midfielder (LSM), a midfielder who usually plays with a long stick and is defense-oriented.

Laser -  Slang phrase for the extremely hard shot.

Lax -  Slang phrase for lacrosse.

Lax Bro -  Stand for “lacrosse brothers”, refers to someone who completely holds the culture of lacrosse.

Lax Rat -  The player, who is completely dedicated to the lacrosse game.

Laxer -  Slang used to denote lacrosse player

Laxing -  Refers to playing lacrosse

Laxtitute -  Derogatory jargon for a female lacrosse supporter interested in the male lacrosse players.

Left Alley -  The lane downward the left side of the field from viewing the goal from the top of the box. Particularly, it is the region formed when one draws a line from the left goal pipe up to the box and expanding above to the side of the box and back down to the goal line complete.

Lettuce / Cabbage / Flow -  Long hair outside the back of the helmet.

Long Pole -  The defensive pole, utilized by lacrosse defensemen and LSMs.

Long Stick Middie (LSM) or “Stick” or “Pole” -  When a midfielder is dropped from the field and a defensive player is replaced. This gives four long sticks to the defense and a good opportunity to stop the offense.

Loosie -  The nickname used for a loose ball.

Low to High Shot -  A player shoots underhand with the stick's head near the ground but the ball is intended at the top part of the goal.

Lumber (Lay some lumber) -  Jargon for a powerful defensive check and the impact of that check.


MAN-DOWN -  A game condition when a team holding a penalty is on defense; generally uses particular players and assignment

MATCH-UP -  A call directed by the goalie to inform each defender to get his man and call out his number.

MIDFIELD LINE -  The line crossways the middle of the field of play.

MLL -  Short for Major League Lacrosse, which is a professional outdoor league located in the United States.

Man-To-Man Defense -  Team defensive tactic wherein each defensive player is assigned to solely guard or cover one offensive player.

Man-Up -  An advantage of man because of opponent's time-serving penalty. Also called “EMO (Extra Man Offense).”

Man-up Man-Down (power play) -  When a foul is committed by a player he may get penalty time, during which his team will have to play with one less player making a power play or Man-up for the opponent and a Man-down for their team.

Man/Ball -  If 2 players and an opponent are heading towards a loose ball, the player nearest to the ball shots “man” and body checks the opponent player, while the 2nd man scoops the ball to get possession.

Mark-up -  Call used by the goalkeeper or other defensive players when asking team members to call out who they are covering in the man-to-man defense.

Marking -  Guarding an opponent within the length of the stick.

Mesh -  Woven nylon piece used as a pocket in lacrosse sticks.

Mid-Fielder -  1 of 3 players who play at both ends of the field, i.e. offensively and defensively both.

Middie -  Refers to the midfielder, who should be fast and have great stamina as he needs to play offensively and defensively both on each side of the field.

Middie Back -  A phrase, which is used to describe a condition where a player apart from a middie, usually a defense, will carry the ball across the mid-line and a midfielder will stay at the back of the mid-line to maintain the necessary number of players behind the line.

Midfielder -  A position, which changes between offense and defense. Three each team. Generally, run the complete field.

Motion -  The offensive tactic of passing and moving to make open players and/or 1 v 1 conditions by moving defenders from the neighboring slide

Motion Offense -  An offensive arrangement, which includes five runners in the continuous and balanced cycle of player movement.


NCAA -  Short for National Collegiate Athletic Association, the central body for all colleges and universities challenging at the varsity level

NLL -  Short for National Lacrosse League, a professional indoor league that has teams in the United States and Canada.

Naked -  Refers to wide open


Off Ball (Defender) -  Defender protecting a player (or space) away from the ball prepared to support (slide) or engage on ball

Off Hip -  Offensive players key target for scoring. It is highly difficult for a goalkeeper to stop a ball, which has been hit at his “off hip” side because it takes longer for the goalkeeper to move his stick to that position and he is usually crossing his arms.

Off-Sides -  A penalty where the essential numbers of players are not on their side of the field.

On Ball (Defender) -  Defender protecting the player with the ball

On The Fly Substitution -  Substitution of a player made during play

On-the-fly -  A way to substitute wherein a team substitutes a player on the field while the ball is in-bounds and the clock is running.

On-the-hop -  Call made by a coach to indicate the players for fastening their pace during practice and drills

Out of Bounds -  When a shot made by a player goes out of play, the player nearest to the line where the ball went out receives the ball.

Overhand -  In this shot, a player shoots with his stick over his head.

Overload -  It is the tactic of moving one or two additional players into one part of the field.


PENALTIES -  In a lacrosse game, there is a personal foul which usually causes a one-minute penalty and in case of five personal fouls, the player will be ejected from the game. Technical fouls usually cause a 30-second penalty if the team against whom the penalty was done was holding the ball at the time of the penalty, and loss of the ball's possession if they did not have possession at the time of the penalty.

PICK/SCREEN -  An offensive plan wherein a stationary player tries to block the way of a defender guarding another player.

Paddington Bear -  Refers to a fat goalkeeper.

Pass -  Throwing the ball towards another player.

Passing -  An integral element to rapidly moving the ball. Players generally throw overhand or underhand to each other.

Paul Rabil -  Known as the most famous player of a lacrosse game.

Peanut Butter -  Refers to the goal on the peak shelf, because that is where the mother keeps the peanut butter.

Pearls / Cupcakes / Dougie Fresh / Fresh Rocks -  Refers to the spanking new white lacrosse balls

Penalty Box -  In this area, a player serves his penalty time. He has to stay in this box until the completion of penalty time.

Penalty lane -  The route to the goal, which is cleared when a free position is granted to the attacking team inside the major scoring area before the goal line.

Phantom Check / Ghost Check -  Refers to the strange loss of ball control

Pick -  Where a player holds a stationary position to block the opposing player to free a team member for a pass or shot.

Pick & Roll -  The act to set a pick and then turn to receive a pass.

Pillow / Popcorn / Egg / Gumball / Muffin -  A soft shot, which is easy for the goalkeeper to carry.

Pinnie -  Refers to a practice uniform for a lacrosse game.

Pinwheel / Helicopter / ‘Copter -  When a stick is checked out of the hands of a ball carrier so that it flies into the air rotating like a pinwheel or a helicopter.

Pipe -  Refers to the framing of the goal

Pipe City / Wesley Pipes / Pipe Dreams / Jesus Pipes / Michelle Piper -  Striking the post on a shot.

Play-on -  A penalty or violation, which is noticed by the umpire, but, if called quickly would end the progress of the team that was fouled. In this situation, a flag is thrown and the umpire yell “Play on” and continuation is permitted.

Plunger -  Refers to a Face-off move where player half clamp the ball i.e. 45 degrees then put the right hand on ground lift left hand and butt end of the stick. This twists the stick's head sidewalls catching the ball like a plunger.

Pocket -  The strung component of the head of a stick that holds the ball.

Pocket Pounder -  A tool utilized in lacrosse to make a deeper pocket in the lacrosse stick's mesh.

Poke Check -  A stick checks wherein the player pushes his stick like a pool cue at the opposing player through the top hand by pushing with the bottom hand.

Pole -  Slang used for a defenseman.

Ponytail Cut -  Similar to a backdoor cut; anytime a player observes the ponytail of the defender, he should cut for the ball

Popcorn -  A soft hit, which is easy save for the goalie.

Possession Shot -  A way of the shot above the goal “on purpose,” to give possession to the team.

Post -  Refers to the goal upright metal side-pipes


Quick Stick -  A quick and short pass, catch or shot that has the partial motion of the stick


RE-DODGE -  Can be executed from X or up top. A player dodges, can form a 2 or 3 step drop, then re-dodge back in the region of the goal.

RELEASE -  The phrase utilized by a timekeeper to inform a penalized player in the box that he might re-enter the game.

Rake -  Many coaches usually yell “Don’t rake!”, while raking, kids will impede and pull a ground ball back to them with their lacrosse stick.

Raking -  A face-off move by a player who is looking to get possession of a ground ball positioned the stick's head on top of the ball and sweeps it back. Raking is executed standing still, which means usually players who rake will be legally struck by an opponent.

Redefending -  The condition or action of playing defense after losing the possession to stop the opponent from (clearing) carrying the ball out of its defensive end into its scoring end

Ride -  Similar to redefending, but a phrase mostly used in the men’s game

Ride the Pine -  Refers to the player who is on the bench.

Riding -  When a team playing attacking loses possession of the ball, it must rapidly revert to play defensively to stop the ball from being cleared back out. In most ride conditions, the goalie will be left un-marked.

Right Alley -  Refers to the lane down the right direction of the field from the top of the box, while looking at the goal.

Rip -  Refers to an extremely fast, hard shot. Players will end or crank to hit a rip with more speed and pace.

Rip Twine -  Refers to a goal.

Rock -  Slang phrase used for the ball.

Roll Dodge -  An offensive moves wherein a ball carrier with the use of his body makes a shield between a defensive player and the cradled ball, rolls around the defender. To provide higher ball protection, the carrier of the ball switches hands since he rolls.

Rusty gate -  A check, which includes spinning a full 360 degrees and checking them with your back turned


SCORER’S TABLE -  The table and region between the benches at midfield where penalties are served, time and score are kept, and some replacements made.

SHAFT -  The metal piece of a lacrosse stick where a player holds the lacrosse stick. Generally, the part attached to the head is made of titanium, aluminum, or composite metals.

SLIDE -  This takes place when an offensive player passes his defender, which forces another defensive player to "slide" over and pick up the frightening offensive player.

SLIDE/HELP -  When a defensive position is left by the defender to help a team member guard an offensive player.

STICK CHECK -  During this check, the player hit the opponent on the stick or gloves to knock the ball away or to keep a player from receiving the ball.

STICK POCKET -  The strung piece of the head of the stick that holds the ball.

SWITCH -  A phrase used for off ballplayers to switch places with their adjacent team member while trying to occupy the off-ball defenders all through a doge from the reverse end of the set play

Sag (Defense) -  A defense in which on ballplayers don't play higher than the 12 meters, always forcing to support and off ball players stay on the 8 meters.

Sauerkraut -  Refers to ugly flow

Save -  When a goalkeeper stops a shot, which generally would have gone into the goal.

Scoop -  The top portion of the lacrosse head, utilized to “scoop” up the ball.

Scooping -   The act of utilizing one’s stick to “scoop” under a ground ball to carry it up.

Screen -  When a player impedes the vision or running path of an opposing player by standing directly in front of that player; sometimes used to prevent a goalie from getting a good look at an oncoming shot.

Screen (or Pick) -  When a player obstructs the vision or running path of an opponent by standing directly before that player; sometimes used for preventing a goalkeeper from getting a useful look at an oncoming shot.

Screening -  An offensive method wherein a player close to the crease positions himself to obstruct the view of the goalkeeper from the ball.

Second Bar Syndrome / SBS -  Those who experience a lack of tilt and looking out of the second bar of the helmet rather than the first.

Settled -  Refers to even, 6 on 6 play

Shiners / Greasers / Slick Ricks / Butterballs / Marbles / Dusty Rocks -  Refers to an old used lacrosse ball, which becomes greasy and losses shine.

Shoot -  Throwing the ball towards the goal for scoring

Short Stick -  Middies and attackmen generally use the short stick, which is 30 inches. The length of the complete stick is generally 40 and 42 inches.

Shortie -  Refers to a player that has a short pole

Shortside -  The side of the goal nearest to the shooter.

Sick -  Refers to good, pleasant. Sick pass guy.

Side Arm -  The act of hitting or passing the ball by swinging the stick via the parallel plane at the waist

Sidearm Shooting -  In this shot, a kid fires the ball from the side vs. overhand. It is considered a strong lacrosse shot but less precise than an overhand shot.

Sidewall -  Can refer to both the 2 vertical sides of the stick head, or the string, which fixes the pocket to the sides of the stick.

Skip -  Refers to a pass to a non-adjacent team member. A skip pass is also called a star pass.

Slap Check -  A stick checks wherein a player breaks his wrists to push his stick across the stick, hands, or chest of an opponent.

Slashing -  Hitting another player with the lacrosse stick on a part other than his or her stick or gloves.

Sliding -  The act to leave one's check to help a teammate.

Slow break -  A transition chance for the offense wherein the defense has at least an equivalent number of defenders to offensive players in place and ready to defend.

Slow whistle -  Allowing play to carry on during a penalty inside the vital scoring area on a scoring play to permit an offense to keep its advantage.

Sphere -  An imaginary region, approx 7 inches that surrounds the head of the player. No Sticks makes an entry to this area

Split Dodge (aka Pull Dodge) -  With a split dodge, the player switches hands on the run to defend the ball.

Square Up -  Positioning one's body while preparing to pass, it simply means aiming the leading shoulder towards the target.

Stall -  Holding the ball, running around, and passing from team member to team member to slay time and not to score.

Stalling -  A strategy where the team carrying the ball runs around and passes from team member to team member to kill time instead of trying to score.

Stand -  All players, excluding the goalkeeper in his goal circle, have to be stationary following the echo of any whistle.

Steeze -  Slang for style plus ease.

Stepping Out -  It is the responsibility of the player to step out and defend the offensive player who has been freed up by the pick until his team member can brawl through or circle the pick set by an offensive player.

Stick -  The stick has a net on the end that is used to catch, throw, shoot, and carry the ball.

Stick Ninja / Stick Doctor -  Refers to a player who is excellent at stringing sticks.

Stick Side -  A defensive position, taken to guard against a stick of offensive player.

Stick doctor -  Someone who knows how to string or fix sticks. Nearly every team has a stick doctor.

Strong Side -  Refers to the side or half of the field that consists of the most number of players or where the ball is located. Drawing a perpendicular line from the center of one goal to the other assigns half of the field.

Stubbie -  A short-cut down lacrosse stick is used for practicing correct positioning by defenders. It helps in learning the way to defense without using a stick, generally by their body block.

Stuff -  This phrase is used when a goalkeeper saves a shot from close range. It doesn't feel nice to get stuffed.

Support -  When a player who doesn't have a ball moves into a place where the player carrying the ball can make a clear pass.

Swag -  Gear, for instance, t-shirts and shorts, which a player receives free while playing for a team


The Box -  An area, drawn at each end of the field surrounds the crease area. Also known as the goal area or defensive area.

Three Second Rule -  Defensemen perhaps not stay in the arc for more than 3 seconds without protecting another player.

Tilt -  This is the angle wherein the lacrosse helmet of a player is tilted downwards.

Time and Room Shot -  When a player has a good time to set his feet and room for taking an extremely hard shot.

Top Cheddar -  When a player shoots the ball high on the net and scores a goal, it is termed as top cheddar.

Top shelf -  When a player shoots the ball high on the net for scoring a goal, it is referred to as top-shelf.

Top-Side -  This is the region towards the center of the lacrosse field when a defender gets beat. Every offensive player aims to get top-side, and defenders try their best to stop them from getting there.

Traditional -  Uncommon stringing tactic for men’s sticks, using 4 leather strands joined by laces to form a pocket.

Transition -  When the ball shifts rapidly from one end of the field to the other, usually causes a fast break.

Triple Threat -  Referring to a “perfect condition of being” as a danger to Dodge, danger to Feed / Assist, and a danger to draw Shooting Space

Tripping -  Penalty, done by using a player’s body part or stick to make an opposing player lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Turf Monster -  Imaginary monsters catch out lacrosse players on the field. If you tumble for no reason, blame it on the turf monster!

Turf Shoes -  Special shoes are utilized by players to play indoors. Cleats are utilized for outdoor lacrosse.

Turn ‘N Rake -  The action a goalkeeper must do after being scored and picking the ball out of the goal.

Twig -  Refers to lacrosse Stick

Two (or Fill or Second) -  A phrase used on defense to converse which player is the 2nd slide; for instance a defender 2 away (from the ball) is informing the hot defender he has “got your two” or “I am two” that means he can substitute the “hot” slide


U.S. Lacrosse -  The United States governing body for men and women's games. Also, they publish Lacrosse Magazine.

Unnecessary roughness -  Take place when a player hits an opposing player with his stick or body with extreme or violent force.

Unsettled Situation -  Any situation wherein the defense is not placed correctly, usually because of a loose ball or broken clear, or fast break.

Unsportsmanlike conduct -  Take place when any player or coach makes an act that is generally unsportsmanlike by an official, such as taunting, quarreling, or obscene language or signals.


V Cut -  A maneuver utilized by an offensive player to become open for a pass. The offensive player tricks in causing his defender to respond and move, he then cuts piercingly away (finishing the “V” shape)


Walk the Dog / Pizza Oven / Carry the Pizza -  When a lacrosse player sprints down the field taking the ball in their stick way out before them with their extended arm, generally holding the base of the shaft. It keeps the ball in the stick's head without requiring to cradle and to evade checks from behind.

Wall Ball -  This is a good lacrosse training tool in which players use a wall to do the practice of passing, shooting, and catches.

Wand / Spoon / Twig -  Slang for lacrosse Stick

Warding -  An illegal method where a player does a one-arm cradle and shit his free arm to block the stick of an opponent player

Warding off -  When a player carrying the ball uses his free hand to control the defender's stick, pushing it away or grabbing it.

Weak Side -  The side of the field, which consists of only a few players.

Wheels -  A call, given by a coach or team member to a player representing that the player has to run as fast as possible. Also used for referring a player with great speed.

Whip -  A term used to explain the feeling of the ball catching on the shooting strings as it comes out from the pocket of the player's stick. Also called "hook."

Wing area -  The area, next to and on both sides of the goal.

Wizard / Dangler -  The player with good stick skills.

Worm Burner -  Underhand low to low shot, which floats over the ground.

Wrap Check -  A one-handed check wherein the defender drops his base hand off the stick and swings his stick around the body of the opposing player to dislodge the ball.


X - A position about five to ten yards behind lacrosse net


Yard sale - When a defender makes a legal check, which causes the opponent to drop his stick on the ground and lose the ball.

Yellow - Generally used to advise the offense to slow down with the intention that the team can sub-middies through the box.


Zebra / Stripes - Slang used for Referee

Zone - Refers to a defense where players are accountable for spaces instead of particular players (or marks)

Zone Defense - A defensive formation technique, which the defensive team uses to protect zones of the field rather than man-to-man marking.

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