A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Ace -   When serving, if the player can get the ball within the playing boundaries, and the challenger is not able to touch the ball, it is said that the player has aced the shot.

Appeal -   Asking for a formal change in the decisions taken by officials.

Assault -  This term refers to a powerful and intentional attack against the body of another person.


Backhand -   A skill to hit the ball with the strong hand so that the palm faces the body and arm swung away from the body. It is often used when players do not have strong off-hand or when the ball comes towards the centerline of the body, and the player has no time to move into position.

Ball -   The round object uses to play handball. It is available in different sizes for women and men and for the different age groups.

Bench For Substitutes -  This refers to a bench present in the substitution area where the reserve players have to stay seated.

Block -  This term is related to the body of a player hindering the normal hit of the receiver. The receiver calls 'blocks' and may retake the service if the ball is 'visibly' blocked by the movement of the player and does not touch anyone.

Block The Ball -  To put hands across or in the ball so that no one can take it.

Bounced Shot -  When a player tries to shoot on goal with the ball hit the floor on its way.


Carry -  An illegal movement executed by a player who cups the ball and goes towards the wall by just 'carrying', not gripping the ball.

Catching The Ball -  Taking hold of the ball when passed by another player.

Ceiling Shot -  In a four-wall court, players played a defensive play i.e. hits the ball hard and upward, so that it initially contacts the ceiling and then the front wall, generally forcing the challenger to go to the back of the court to return the ball.

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Center Back -  The position of a player in the game, also known as a 'playmaker'. They are placed largely around the midcourt region and their job is to start the offensive play, shoot, or try to break in the opponent's defense.

Centerline -  A line, which marks out the court, sizes into two halves. It also describes the spot at the mid of the court used for the throw off.

Change Of Sides -  Sometime after the coin toss, however, usually after the halftime break, both the teams change their sides.

Choice Of Sides -  The teams are permitted to choose which side they wish to have their substitution area and goal, after having a coin toss.

Coach -  Someone who manages and gives useful instructions to the team, generally known as the head of the team. He/she is responsible for calls for the substitutions and forms the match plans during the game.

Coin Toss -  The initial process to decide who will start the game and who will choose ends.

Combination -  To set play that decides the player's activity and the path of the ball.

Combined Defence System -  The defending team players generally do man-marking tasks, the others use a zone defense.

Corner Shot -  When a player hits exactly on the sideline at such an awkward angle that it becomes impossible for a receiver to return.

Corner Throw -  When a player hits the ball over the goal line (or either side of the goal), a defending player gets a corner throw.

Court Player -  Everyone playing on the court (outfield players) is known as a court player, except goal-keepers.

Court Referee -  Someone who stays behind the attacking team. He/she is the one who keeps observing any defensive or offensive fouls or possession rule infringement committed by the court players.

Crack -  This term is used to refer to the 'short' line marking on outdoor courts or simply represent a groove on the ground. When the player hits the ball on a crack present in the ground or wall, the ball often moves in an erratic direction.

Cross Matches -  Games, which are played after Main Round (for instance, the groups play winner played against the second-ranked teams of the other group).

Cross The Sideline -  This takes place when the ball leaves the playing region through the side parts.

Crossed The Goal Line -  This term refers that ball is in the goal, simply means the ball crossed the goal line.

Cut -  Adding an intense spin to the ball, this causes it to bounce in an erratic motion.


Disallowing A Goal -  The handball phrase refers to an incidence where the referee chooses not to validate a score for any abnormality preceding it.

Disqualification -  A player perhaps faces disqualification by violating the rules and regulations of the game. In such incidences,  the referee generally shows the red card to the player and that player cannot return on playing field for the remaining part of the game.

Dive Shot -  The way to put the shot to score a goal i.e. player jumps above the floor towards the goal. It is executed without touching the d-line.

Down -  This term is used when the ball hits the floor prior to the wall. Also, represent serving two 'shorts' or 'longs' in a row. It is generally used for any mistake in-play. It is a mistake, ends the rally, and causes a point or change of server.

Draw -  Pairing the teams and managing their competition schedule is called a draw.

Dribble The Ball -  When a player shows maneuvering during the game by bouncing the ball on the floor.


Ehf Official -  EHF short for European Handball Federation, which has five EHF officials, controlling and administering a competitive game. It includes 2 referees, a timekeeper, a scorekeeper, and 1 EHF observer or supervisor.

Endanger -  Causing danger of injury to the opponent with any physical contact.

Equipment -  The uniform and sports shoes of the players are considered equipment, which is useful to play the game.

Exclusion -  When any of the players assaulted the other team player, he/she might face exclusion. The excluded player cannot be the part of the rest of the game and his/her team has to play one player short.

Extended Fast Break -  A common term used in handball terminology wherein the first and second wave of attacking players also gets extra support from the whole team.


Fake Run Movement -  When an attacker makes believe that he/she runs in one direction but moves in another path. It is quite similar like tricking the challenger with a hand or body movement, such as a fake pass or fake shot.

Final Signal -  The playing period ends with the automatic final signal from the scoreboard or from the timekeeper. Sometimes the referee whistles to show that the playing time is over if no such signal appears.

Fist -  When a player made the shot by hitting the ball with a closed fist. It can initiate the ball in different directions because of the bone shape of the hand. The ball is hit with more pressure as opposed to the regular slap, which keeps its momentum continuous. It is generally considered illegal to fist a serve.

Flagging -  This term is used to describe a situation in which a server almost hits a player by its serve. The serve is retaken and the server does not score if the opponent is not able to return the shot.

Forewarning Signal -  A signal, which warns the teams when time-out will finish within ten seconds.

Foul -  Any irregular action in the game, committed by the player that gives a free throw opportunity to another team.

Foul In The Foot -  When a player touches the ball with his foot or shin, it is called foul in the foot. As a punishment, the ball is given to the other team.

Free Throw -  Awarded to the opponent by the referee in case of fouls or rule violations by the offenders. Free throw generally takes place from the exact spot the foul happened.

Free Throw Line -  Refers to a 9-meter line and zone, which players must leave before executing a free throw following a foul, take place inside that nine-meter line.


Getting The Rebound -  This term describes the action of catching the ball when it bounces back after a shot.

Give And Go -  This refers to an offensive play, which involves passing the ball (give) subsequently running (go) to an open gap to receive the ball back.

Gloves -  Pieces of clothing that cover the player's hands and wrists. Players, who have sensitive palms, choose to wear handball gloves that are similar like baseball gloves.

Goal -  A pair of posts connected by a crossbar, having a gap, within or above which the ball has to be sent in order to score. In handball, the player scores a goal by throwing it inside the goalposts.

Goal Area -  A D-shaped area, which is six meters away from the goal, used only by the goalkeeper.

Goal Area Line -  The line, which defines the goal area, also called the 'six-meter line'.

Goalie / Goalkeeper -  Commonly known as a goalkeeper, who defends the team goal against the opponent who is trying to score goals. This player is allowed to field inside the goal area and he is the only one who can use his legs to kick the ball.

Goalkeeper Throw -  A goalkeeper throw is awarded, when the ball crosses the outer goal line.

Goalkeeper's Restraining Line -  This refers to a line four meters from the goal line, which sets the limit for a goalkeeper to take charge and defend against a penalty throw. Also called the "four-meter line".

Goalline Referee -  Head of the game who generally positions himself on the outer goal line. The main job of a handball goal-line referee is to verify whether the ball fully crossed the goal line in order to score a goal. He will even observe any violations by the players.


Halftime Break -  According to the rules, ten minutes break given to the team after the first thirty minutes of the game.

Handling -  Refers to the ability of dribbling, catching, passing, or throwing the ball, generally termed out as "handling the ball"

Holding The Opponent -  When a player makes physical contact to stop the opponent's movement, while he is trying to score a goal.


Inspecting The Playing Court -  The referees generally check the goals and the playing court ahead of the game.

Interception Of The Ball -  Stopping and catching the ball prior it reaches a particular place.

Interruption -  This term is used to refer to a stoppage in the game.


Joint Decision -  When referees consult each other during a game to reach a final common decision.

Jump Shot -  A shooting skill in which the player's feet remain off the floor.


Killer -  This refers to the shot, which hits low on the wall and bounces quickly and abruptly. This shot becomes difficult to return when the receiver is a distance from the wall.


Left Back -  A player placed on the left-hand side of the middle back performing an action in the second line of the attack.

Left Handed Players -  Player, who uses his left hand to throw the ball.

Left Wing -  This refers to a player, who is located on the left side of the court.

Line Play -  This refers to a player's position, who is attacking. Active players located mainly around the six-meter line among the defenders; also known as "pivot".

Lob -  In one-wall handball, an underhand shot wherein the player shoots the ball to the wall in an elevated arc such it is launched back high over the top of the wall through a parabolic path, which causes the ball landing near the long line.

Long -  When a player served the ball over the long line.

Long Ball -  This term is used to refer to an instance in which the serve or a ball in play, lands outside the 'long' line of the court. Two long hits are a down if made during a serve. If the ball remains in play, it becomes an automatic down or points to the server.


Main Round -  This refers to the phase of competition; generally, games, which take place after the Group Phase.

Man Marking -  A defensive strategy where a defender is assigned a specific player from the opposition team to guard instead of covering an area of the court.

Match Report -  The official document that contains the list of participants, the final score, and any remarks given by the referees. Officials who are seated at the jury table complete match reports.


Net -  Material made of threads of wire with gaps between them used to limit the movement of the ball. In handball, a net is fixed to the goalposts in a way that the ball cannot bounce back or pass through the goal.


Out Ball -  An automatic 'down' or point to the server, which takes place where a serve, or the ball in play, lands outside the sidelines.

Out Of Play -  When the ball is out of play, the game start again with a throw resultant to the result of the interruption.

Outer Goal Line -  A line that marks the end of the court, not containing the goal line; also known as the "backline”.

Overarm Shot -  This refers to a shooting skill in which the player's arm moves above the shoulder level.

Overtime -  According to the regulations of a game, when a match ends in a draw, an overtime period is allotted to decide a result. This is carried out in two halves of five minutes with a one-minute break between them.


Pass Shot -  Also called a corner shot in which the ball goes low and fast near one of the sidewalls and remain out of the opponent's reach.


Pass The Ball -  When a player throws the ball toward his teammate is generally called 'passing' in handball terminology.

Passive Play -  When a player tries to keep the ball in a possession of his team without making a recognizable try to attack and score.

Penalty Throw -  Also called free throw, which is awarded by the referee in case of fouls or rules violations. The penalty throw is taken from the exact spot it took place.

Personal Punishment -  Any rule violations in the game may lead to personal punishment.  It is called out by the referee that starts with a warning, followed by more harsh punishments such as disqualification, etc.

Piston Movement -  Basic attacking play executed by a player by moving continuously forwards and backward.

Placement Matches -  Games, which are played to decide the final ranking of teams.

Play Court -  An area wherein a handball game is played.

Player Position -  There are seven player positions in the handball game such as the goalkeeper, left-wing, left-back, middle back, line player, right back, and right-wing.

Playing Eligibility In A Certain Competition -  Checking the status of all players whether they fulfill all criteria to take part in a game or competition.

Playtime -  It refers to the two halftimes of thirty minutes.

Pop -  When the ball is hit at a 45-degree or similar angle to intersect the right angle of the wall and floor, is called pop.

Post Match Procedure -  At the end of the game, there is a short official ceremony take place called post-match procedure.

Preliminary Round -  Refers to the tournament's initial phase with all teams competing.

Protest And Appeals -  Official complaints launched made by a team regarding any rule violation or irregularities experienced during a game.

Public Scoreboard Clock -  A clock generally fixed on the wall of the playing hall where the spectators can see the results and the playing time. It displays the score and signals at the end of 30 and 60 minutes.


Qualification Games -  In some tournaments, qualification games are played to make a decision in which teams can take part in the competition.


Rebound -  This refers to the way in which the ball bounces backward after hitting the goal post's bars.


Reenter -  A player, who has been punished with a two-minute suspension, is permitted to enter the playing court again.

Referee -  Someone who is in charge of a game, make sure that all handball rules and regulations are followed.

Referee's Throw -  After an interruption of play, referees generally throw a ball to resume the game again.

Right Back -  According to the rules, the player located at right-back plays mostly on the right-hand side of the middle and back zones. His main job is performing an action in the second line of the attack.

Right Handed Player -  A player, who generally uses his right hand to catch and throw the ball.

Right Of Participation -  Fulfilling the condition that makes the team eligible to take part in an event.

Right Wing -  Refers to a player, who is located on the right side of the court.

Roller -  A shot in which the ball hits toward the bottom of the wall leaving small gaps for the ball to bounce results in a roll. It is a certain end to the rally as there is no possibility to pick up because the ball is rolling instead of bouncing.


Sanction -  Refers to any form of penalization called out by the match referee.

Save -  When a goalie stops a shot with hands, legs or any other body part, it is called "Save".

Score -  The present and last result of the handball game.

Serving A 2-minute Suspension -  The player keeps waiting on the substitution bench for two minutes after receiving a suspension.

Seven Meter Line -  This line is generally 7 meters away from the goal, which marks the spot where the penalty throw is to be carried out.

Seven Meter Shot Penalty throw -  A straight shot taken from 7 meters. When a player with the possession of the ball is fouled in clear scoring opportunity, he has to take this punishment

Shoot On Goal -  Throwing on goal with a shot that can be shots such as the overarm shot, underarm shot, side bend shot, falling jump shot, jump shot, and jumping with both feet.

Short -  When a player served the ball prior to the short line.

Short Ball -  This refers to an instance when the serve lands prior to or exactly on the 'short' line of the indoor handball court dimensions. Making 2 short serves causes one down.

Shorts -  Often worn when playing a handball, these trousers end above the knee or get to the knee, Wearing comfy lightweight shorts for a game is a wise choice as a player need to sprint comfortably without being stuck or slowed down.

Shut-out -  Challenging play in which a player (in a singles match) or team (in a doubles match) try to score specific points without allowing the opponent to get a score. It is generally used to finish a game before time in 11, 15, or 21 point matches, with the shut-out score often being 7. In such a situation, it is called 7-Zip Shut-out.

Sideline -  The line, which marks the side of the playing court.

Sidestepping -  It is a skill that shows the technical element of the attacker's basic movement. He will do a sidestep by repeatedly moving sideways mostly across the width of the handball court dimensions.

Sneakers -  Light and comfortable shoe wear by a player while playing handball.  Mostly handball players wear high-top sneakers to lessen the risk of ankles injuries when going for shots.

Spike -  An overhead hit of the ball, usually leading to a killer.

Spin Shot -  A kind of shot in which the ball changes direction when it bounces back from the floor.

Stealing The Ball -  This term means taking possession of the ball when the opponent is holding or bouncing it.

Substitute -  A player who is used for part of a game as a replacement of another player. A substitution perhaps not possible until the other player has left the court. Players must go into and leave the playing area on their own half of the court and within the substitution area.

Substitution Line -  The line, which marks the region where the substitutions are permitted to sit all through the game.

Suspension -  A kind of personal punishment, which is generally a 2-minute suspension from the game.


Tackling Physically -  When a player physically holds the challenger in order to avoid him scoring a goal.

Tactics -  Planned game elements, which are used in terms of attacking and defensive play by a team during a whole game.

Take-one -  A call announced in doubles games. At the beginning of a game, if the serving team does not score specific points (usually three), the defending team perhaps call take-one to become the serving team. It passes over the second-man serve and brings the defending team to the front to serve.

Take-two -  Rebegin the rally. No points are awarded and no penalties take place.

Team Official -  A person, who represents the team and has listed in the match report.

Team Time Out -  Every team has the authority to call a 1-minute time-out in both halftimes of the game. The team official generally executes it by putting the green card on the jury table when the team is in ball possession.

Teams -  A unit of maximum 14 players (both sides) on the match report.

Three Metres From The Thrower -  The opponents are not permitted to remain closer than 3 meters to the player, who is taking a free throw or throw-in.

Three Steps -  A player having possession of the ball is only allowed to take three steps after dribbling or passing the ball.

Throw In -  The throw-in is used to put the ball back into the court when it crossed one of the sidelines. Players both feet must be on the ground while throwing-in the ball.

Throw Off -  A throw initiated from the centerline to begin the game or restart after a goal.

Throw On -  It is used to start a game again after a goal is scored and must be taken from the center of the court.

Throw Out -  When goalkeeper passes the ball to a team player from the goal area after getting possession of the ball in the goal area.

Throw Over The Wall -  This refers to an overtime free throw, which is defended by opponents standing three meters from the shooting player.

Throwing In The Ball -  Passing or shooting the ball, generally called "throwing in the ball".

Timekeeper And Scorekeeper -  At the jury table, there is someone whose responsibility is to measure the time and registering the scores for the match report.

Treetops -  This refers to a ball in play, which hits the top corner of the handball wall. This situation turns out to be a 'down' or a point granted to the server.

Turn -  Change of direction or movement on the court.


Underarm Shot -  A shooting skill executed with the arm moving below shoulder level.

Uniform -  Clothes, which are worn by every player playing on the handball court. The uniforms are useful to distinguish the outfield players from the goalkeeper and the challenger team.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct -  Physical and verbal abuse, which is incompatible with the spirit of good sportsmanship is considered unsportsmanlike conduct.


Various Legal Entitlement -  This term is related to the broadcasting of games on various media channels, showing pictures in print media or placing an advertisement on and around the playing court.


Warning -  A statement or instruction that tells the player that there might be a punishment in the future. A yellow card is granted by the referee as an initial sign of progressive punishment.

Whip -  This is a difficult playing technique, in which, a player swings in a vertical motion and 'cutting' the ball in such a way that it shoots downward when the ball hits the wall.

Whistle For The Throw-off -  When the referee gives the signal to begin the game.


Xbox 360 Games - Play handball Xbox with all sixty-eight teams from the three main European leagues in recreation. Find out an instinctive game system with twenty-four offensive and defensive strategic set-ups. Use all the real handball moves and techniques: the spin shot, the hipshot, and various technical systems and practical moves.


Younger Age Categories - There are different competition categories for players below the age of 19 for females and 20 for male players.


Zone Defence Systems - Generally refers to the position of players such as 6:0 (six players on the goal area line), 5:1 (5 players on the goal area line, one player before them), 4:2, 3:2:1 (open defense), or 3:3, 1:5 (open defense).

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