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2-4-5 Defense -  Nickel formation type that includes two linemen (2 DEs, or 1 DE and 1 DT), four linebackers (2 ILBs, and 2 OLBs), and five defensive backs (1 CBs, 1 FS,  and 1 SS). More common between teams with 3-4 base defenses than the 3-3-5, since all four beginning linebackers stay on-field while the defensive linemen (the slowest team member on the defense) come out. The 2-4-5 is generally utilized against the two-minute offense when replacing players perhaps difficult.

3-3-5 Defense -  The nickel arrangement variation with three linemen (2 defensive ends, and 1 defensive tackle), three linebackers (2 outer linebackers, and 1 middle linebacker), and five defensive backs (3 cornerbacks, 1 free safety, and 1 strong safety).

3-4 Defense -  A defensive arrangement with three linemen and four linebackers. An expert offshoot in the 1970s of the previous Oklahoma, 5-2, or 50 defense, which included five linemen and two linebackers. The 3-4 outside linebackers look like "stand-up ends" in the older defense. It is occasionally pronounced thirty-four defenses.

4-3 Defense -  It is generally pronounced forty-three defenses. A defensive arrangement that includes four linemen and three linebackers. Numerous variations are utilized. It was initially used by Coach Tom Landry.

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46 Defense -  A defensive formation that includes four linemen and three linebackers featuring some dramatic shifts of personnel. The line is greatly moved toward the offense's weak side; both outside linebackers looking to play on the strong side outside of the defensive linemen, and three defensive backs mass the line of scrimmage. The free safety that left stays in the backfield. It was introduced by Buddy Ryan during his term as a defensive manager for the Chicago Bears. It is generally pronounced forty-six defense.

5-2 Defense -  A once-famous college defensive formation that includes five defensive linemen and two linebackers. Also called the "Oklahoma defense", nearly identical to the 3-4.

5-3 Defense -  A defensive formation that includes five defensive linemen and three linebackers. It initially came into the game in the 1930s to combat improved passing attacks. The 5-3 defense was considered best against the T formation.

53-man Roster -  The number of players a National Football League team can take on its active roster at the beginning of the regular season. To attain the deadline, teams can cut or add players to their practice group, and, in case any player gets injured, the team can move them into unable to perform list.

6-2 Defense -  A defensive formation that includes six defensive linemen and two linebackers. It was popular in the 1930s because of improved passing attacks. With the invention of T formation, the popularity of the 6-2 defense declined.

7-1-2-1 Defense -  A defensive arrangement that includes seven defensive linemen, one linebacker and three defensive backs. It was introduced by Henry L. Williams in 1903. By the mid-1930s, it was considered nearly outdated because of its susceptibility against the pass.

7-2-2 Defense -  A defensive arrangement that includes seven defensive linemen, two linebackers and two defensive backs. It is similar to an offensive two tight end set, or a goal-line defense. It was introduced by Amos Alonzo Stagg in 1890 and utilizes as the base defense by Knute Rockne at Notre Dame and Mike Donahue at Auburn.


A-11 Offense -  An offensive scheme designed to show as if all eleven players are eligible receivers. The offense utilizes a loophole in the American football rulebook to precisely make the formation a scrimmage kick, and the offensive line is extended across the field, all wearing numbers of eligible receivers, in an attempt to confuse and deceive the defense. However, this philosophy got banned in 2009.

Ace -  Called single set back or the Lone Setback or Singleback or One back or Solo, which is an offensive base formation that includes only one running back (generally a halfback), lined up about five yards behind the quarterback.

Against The Grain -  Redundant description of the route a ball carrier follows when he cuts back to the opposition from the side he was initially running toward as in, in such a situation, it is said that the player cut back against the grain.

Agilities -  An acronym for agility drills; drills generally used by position coaches during the 10- to 20-minute position-coach time at the start of practice session; it is used to define the agility, which is essential football skill. Agility drills are useful for making players more agile.

Air -   A vacant region of the football field. For instance, if a cornerback gets aligned out wide from an offensive arrangement although there is no offensive player there, he is said to be aligned “on air.”

Air Coryell -  An offensive scheme developed by San Diego Chargers head coach Don Coryell that combines power running with mid-range and deep-pattern passing. This offense relies on getting receivers in motion and out into patterns, which combine to stretch the field, thus setting up defensive backs with route system and permitting the quarterback to throw to a particular spot on time where the receiver can catch and turn upfield.  Simply the Air Coryell offense, focused on mid-to-deep range passing and a power running game, with particular attention offered to pass protection.

Air Raid Offense -   An offensive scheme that highlights a large number of short passes in a spread formation. The usual air raid system involves four receivers (generally two wide and two slot receivers) and the quarterback system in the shotgun formation. The audible use is highly significant to this system-the quarterback somewhat alter the play call at the line of scrimmage after reading the defensive formation.

All-purpose Yardage -  The combined sum of receiving, rushing, punt/kickoff return, interception, and fumble return yards for a player who owns the ball during a play. All-purpose yardage calculations don’t include passing yards.

Alley -   Refers to the area located between the cornerback and the box and safety definition.

Alley Oop -  This refers to a play wherein the quarterback throws the ball far above the ground, and another player jumps up and catches it. This playing style was introduced by San Francisco 49ers players Y. A. Tittle and R. C. Owens in 1957. The name was derived after V. T. Hamlin's comic strip character Alley Oop. Owens was also called "Alley Oop” because of his 6 ft 3-inch height and ability to out-leap defenders.

Alligator Arms -   This term is used to describe the arms of a pass receiver that cannot be extended fully to take a catch, typically as a result of expecting a tackle by a defensive player.

Arc Block -  Running-back inner block on a defensive, which have man or linebacker; the term “arc” describes the blocker taking a quite circuitous path to the blocking target, i.e. he firstly moves outer then comes back in for blocking; the path of running back to the block is generally a half-circle.

Area Blocking -   Offensive blocking method wherein blockers have the responsibility to block whoever comes into a particular region of the field. Generally, it is used in wall kick returns and pass protection.

Arrow -   Outward pass track along a pathway about 30 degrees from the line of scrimmage. In the NFL, next to every number is an arrow that points towards the closest end zone.

Astroplay -  Refers to a surface prepared by the makers of AstroTurf. The AstroPlay surface is identical to field turf except it uses only a rubber base rather than crushed sand and rock. AstroPlay is generally used in a variety of NFL football field stadiums around the world.

Astroturf -   This refers to artificial turf, a surface of synthetic fibers that is prepared to look similar to natural grass. The specific thing used was "ChemGrass", invented by Monsanto and rebranded as AstroTurf; this word since then became a general brand for any artificial turf all through the late 20th century. In many NFL, professional, and college stadiums, the Astroturf was used, however, since 2009 it is no longer used in professional sports stadiums.

Athleticism -  This refers to physical qualities such as strength, fitness, and agility, which are features of any athlete. Athleticism truly becomes evident when you push an athlete to move in space as it relates to another challenger, task, or obstacle.

Attempt -   Refers to a scrimmage plays, with the ball at first located at any point between the hash marks, at the preference of the team making the attempt. Generally, it can be a pass attempt, a rush attempt; a carry, or a kick.

Audible -  When an offense of a team is ready to run a play but at the last moment changes it, generally calls an audible at the line of scrimmage. An audible is generally a vocal instruction, which can slightly alter the set play, or totally scrap it for something else. A quarterback usually calls an audible when he doesn't like how the offensive play, which was called, matches up with the defensive arrangement.

Automatic First Down -   When an offensive team did several fouls against the defensive team, a first down is granted to them although the result of the penalty does not progress the ball beyond the line to gain. The fouls generally are pass interference or any personal fouls, all are considered in the NFL and NCAA.

Awsonimity -  This term was introduced by Leo Hand, who is the author of Attacking Football Defenses with Radar Blocking for describing the time between the end of one play and the break for the next.


Back -   Any spot not usually aligned on the line of scrimmage such as running back, tailback, quarterback, halfback, flanker back, fullback, wingback linebacker, cornerback, rover, defensive halfback, and safety.

Back Numbers -   Numbers 1 to 5 to allocate running backs; generally, the quarterback has 1 number, tailback 2, and the fullback 3; on some sides, 4 and 5 are used to allocate special alignment spots for the fullback or a fourth back.

Back Shoulder Pass -  A kind of throw made by the quarterback where he aims the ball to intersect with the route of a receiver just at his back while he runs down the field. Generally an offensive technique, usually utilizing the advantage of a basic defensive rule by violating a fundamental offensive rule.

Back Side -  Refers to the side of the field to the left or right of the center in the offensive arrangement that consists only a few players. Generally, Back Side is opposite the tight end.

Backfield -   Behind the line of scrimmage, there is an area of an American football field usually known as Backfield. Even the players of the offense who start plays behind the line can also refer to the backfield or offensive backfield. It often includes any backs on the field, for instance, the quarterback, running back and fullback.

Backpedal -   This refers to a movement utilized by defensive backs wherein they can rapidly move back in the field while constantly looking at the quarterback and all receivers on the field.

Backs -  Generally called running back, which is an offensive back for example a fullback or halfback, having the responsibility to advance the ball by running with it on plays from the line of scrimmage.

Backward Pass -   Refers to a pass thrown backward by a player. In Canadian football, it is known as an "onside pass". The number of backward passes has no restriction. At times referred to as a "lateral" that signifies a pass thrown without motion toward both end zones. An incomplete pass has automatically ruled a fumble, which can be recovered by both teams.

Bail -  Movement wherein a pass defender line up as if to bump a receiver then immediately drops back when the snap takes place.

Balance -  The ball carrier capability to oppose getting knocked down when hit by an opponent.

Balanced Line -  On one of the sides of the center, when an offensive line has a similar number of players, it is called a balanced line.

Ball Carrier -  The player at present in possession of the ball. If the football is "loose" that means no team has possession, there is no ball carrier.

Ball Control -  A strategy generally based on low-risk plays to keep away from losing possession of the ball; Generally, it is carried out when any side is in the red zone or any side protecting a lead late in a game.

Banjo Coverage -  A switch tactic employed by defensive side to counter situations, which are complex for one player to defend. Banjo coverage permits two defenders to change the players they are covering to keep away from getting “picked” on crossing ways or a player running from one side of the backfield out in a way across the arrangement.

Base Block -  This refers to an offensive line block wherein the blocker pushes the closest defender away from the attacking point; generally, employed in bubble dive, bubble lead, and power plays where the C gap is not engaged by a defender.

Base Defense -  Also known as 4–3 defense which is a defensive formation that includes four down linemen and three linebackers. As it is the default defensive formation used on 1st and 2nd downs (i.e. Base downs), thus termed out as base defense.

Bear Defense -  Known as 46 defense, a formation in which there are four linemen and three linebackers that features several dramatic shifts of personnel. Generally, the Bears fronts denote any front where the three internal offensive linemen such as guards and the center both are covered.

Belly -   This term denotes different things such as an option play or an inside zone play.

Bench Route -   Also called flat, describes the passing zone situated to the outside of the weak tackle or tight end. From the line of scrimmage, it is about eight yards and broadens to the sideline. As the player is running in the direction of benches, it is called a bench route.

Bend-don’t-break Defense -   It takes place when one side is keen to play much zone coverage and only rushing their front four. But when the offensive side gets near to the goal line, it's much difficult to find holes in the zone coverage.

Big-on-big -   Matchup principle functional to offensive blocking system and defensive coursework; the fundamental idea is that only better players should have to tackle with the opponent’s better players.

Bill -   This term is used by some coaches to denote the weakside linebacker.

Bird Dogging -   When Quarterbacks stares down an intended target and announce to everyone – including the defense – their aim of throwing the football that way, it is called Bird Dogging. This often causes interceptions.

Black Monday -   The first operational day after the NFL regular season ends in which failed coaches and administration are usually fired or resign from their position. The phrase is even credited to the day after the annual National Football League Draft where contracts of players perhaps terminated once new players are added to a roster.

Blind Side -   A phrase used for the offensive line-up’s side that the quarterback is facing away from while in the pocket. Generally, the left tackle prevents the blindside for right-handed quarterbacks. Teams will usually keep their expert offensive lineman on the blindside to lower the risk of pressure.

Blitz -   A strategy employed by a defensive side in which they will have a player apart from the member of the defensive line trying to pressurize the quarterback. Due to this a linebacker or defensive back trying to find a space in the offensive line and tackle the quarterback. Teams can pick to blitz one or more players during a game and this generally brings about five or more players trying to reach the quarterback.

Block -   When one player obstructs another player by pushing the opponent back or preventing them move beyond the blocker, it is termed out as block. There are different types of blocks such as A run block: In this block, the player who is blocking generally pushes a defensive player back and away from the player who is carrying the ball. A pass block: In this block, the player who is blocking generally protects the thrower by moving crossways and backward, slowing or halting an incoming pass rusher. A cut block / a zone block: Any block carried out in a zone-blocking system. A trap block / a pull block / a screen block / a double-team block: Generally two blockers at the same time block one player.

Blocking -   A racing tactic that involves cyclists with the same interests moving up to the front of the main field while they have a team member ahead of in a break. The cyclists at the front will interrupt the pace so that the breakaway has an opportunity to get away and a planned chase never gets off the ground.

Blood glucose -   The main sugar present in our blood. It comes from the food we eat and is the main source of energy for our bodies. The more we cycle, and the more energy we use, will result in our blood sugars falling quicker. We need to keep our energy levels high so taking small amounts of sugar at regular intervals will be advised. If we are cycling for a short period (20-30 minutes), then sipping a sugar drink halfway via our ride could be enough. However, longer rides will need regular blood testing. Carefully assessing our blood sugar after our ride will allow you to spot if a hypo is threatening.

Block Tackle -   A poor tackling method, where a player instead of wrapping the arms around the ball carrier, generally tries to knock him with just a shoulder block.

Blocking -   The act to execute a block; refers to the group play by players performing blocks or the blocker’s action during a game.

Blocking Back -   Used to depict a running back who is allocated to block. It describes one of an assignment for a single play or the primary function of back all through their career, as when denoting a fullback who is mainly skilled at blocking. Also a premature phrase for quarterbacks.

Blocking Sled -   Generally, practice equipment that comes with the padded angular frame on metal skids, used to build up strength and blocking techniques in players. It is important equipment to learn proper positioning on the gridiron. Without a proper position, you can’t squeeze the springs and drive the sled. Blocking sleds comes in a variety of forms such as one-man sleds for individual training to seven-man sleds for full-line drills.

Bomb -   Also called an up and under or a Garryowen, a kind of kick used in several codes of football. It is an elevated kick planned to send the ball quite straight up so players can get under it before it reaches the ground.

Boot -   Short for bootleg or counter boot, which is a play wherein the quarterback moves towards either sideline behind the line of scrimmage after getting the ball from the snap.

Bootleg -   A play wherein the quarterback runs with the ball on the way to either sideline behind the line of scrimmage. It is an offensive play proclaim upon misdirection wherein the quarterback make-believe to hand the ball to another player and then takes the ball in the reverse direction of the believed ball carrier with the intention of either passing or running.

Bounce -   This term either refers to a ball carrier movement who finds his original intended attacking point clogged and alter direction for a new attacking point or refers to the warm-up movement by a player, which is generally not favored by coaches.

Boundary -   The lines present on the field, which divides the field of play from the out of bounds region. The sidelines and the region behind the end line are generally considered out of bounds.

Box -   On the defensive side of the ball, there is an area, which is directly opposite the offensive linemen and about five yards deep. It has eight players in the box that brings in a defensive back, generally the strong safety, for stopping the running game of the offensive team.

Break The Plane -   It simply denotes the ball broke the imaginary plane broadening up from the goal line. The term generally indicates that a touchdown takes place.

Broken I -   Called an offset I-formation, which is a variation on the conventional i-formation. When the fullback lines up sheltered to one part of the offensive line instead of remaining straight behind the quarterback. This is often labeled a Strong I or Weak I configuration.

Brush Block -   When an offensive player makes slight contact with opposing player and continues downfield for secondary blocking, it is called Brush Block.

Bubble -   The defensive line part where there is no defensive lineman; usually the gap in question is the job of a linebacker who stays two or more yards following that spot; the best attacking point for dive, lead, or power plays.

Bubble Screen -   This refers to an offensive play wherein an expert receiver lines up on the broad side of the field and cuts rapidly in the direction of the quarterback immediately after the snap for receiving a pass. The offense will try to have a series of blockers out before the receiver with the intention that the player can get yards after the catch. It is usually a fast hit play and utilized for getting the ball in the hands of a fast player as quickly as possible.

Buck -   The conventional term used for a running back who runs straight into the line; now known as a dive play.

Buck Lateral -   It is a playing series used in the Single-wing formation. Running the buck-lateral need an offensive system, which required the fullback to have many expert skills, rather than today's fullback who usually blocks and carries the ball sometimes.

Bucket Step -   Refers to the 6-inch step backward where the lineman opens his hips. It is utilized for an outside zone play or when the blocker is not covered.

Bull -   Putting the base of the back of the helmet against or close to the back of the neck opening of the shoulder pads as in “bull the neck;” highly crucial positioning to avoid severe neck injury during a collision.

Bump -   A strategy previously used by defensive backs wherein a defender lined up directly before a wide receiver and tried to obstruct him with arms, hands, or whole body and interrupt his anticipated route.

Bump-and-run -   This term is used for a type of pass coverage generally employed by defensive players. In this type of pass coverage, defensive players will try to make contact with the offensive player quickly after the snap of the ball to interrupt the pass direction, which the offensive player planned to run.

Bunch -   Refers to the formation including three receivers tightly grouped, generally executed to create mismatches, as it mobs defenders if they try to press all three receivers promptly while making a numbers advantage if the defense is in the zone.

Bust -   This term refers to a player, generally one drafted early on the initial day of the NFL draft, who doesn’t match up the expectations of the drafting team.

Busted Play -   A play that worsens to the point where the coach's playbook is no longer followed and it leads to uncertainty or confusion on the field.

Buttonhook (Hook, Dig) -   A kind of receiver route, which a receiver follows while running a certain distance straight up the field, then quickly digs in, stops, and runs back a short distance in the direction of the quarterback.


Cadence -   This term is used to describe that a quarterback makes use of either a regular or irregular voice rhythm for communicating with his on-field offensive team member.

Capital I Formation -  I formation that includes all four backs lined up one behind the other at the back of the center. It is a dominant inside running formation, popularized by the University of Maryland. Also known as the “full-house I”

Carioca -   This refers to a sideways movement wherein the player keeps his arms out sideways away from his body like an unsportsmanlike-conduct signal by a referee. In this movement, initially the player steps with his right leg in front then subsequently steps with his right foot behind the left foot. It is one of the highly performed agility drills.

Carry Or Carries -  A statistic that denotes the number of times a rushing player tries to progress the ball. A ball mover can be any player that tries to progress the ball while offensive play, regardless of position.

Center (C) -   This term refers to the position of the player on offense. The center generally snaps the ball.

Center-eligible  - A tricky play in which the whole offensive line is to one side of the center at the snap, with the intention that the center becomes an extra lineman on the end, and consequently a suitable receiver.

Centre -  Refers to the Canadian center i.e. the ten-yard-long chain utilized by the chain crew for measuring a new series of downs. When a quarterback needs to finish a short pass, generally to a running back or tight end, as a final option in his read chain.

Chain -  The chain crew (also known as "chain gang") uses the 10-yard-long chain for measuring a new series of downs. This crew controls signal poles on one of the sidelines.

Cheat -   Unusual line up near to the place where the player plans or predicts to go. Generally, a tipoff of an exact play when the offense executed it or a special stunt or pass coverage when a defender executed it.

Check Route -   This term is used to describe a running-back pass route, which is followed only after checking to ensure the responsibility of back pass-blocking is not blitzing

Check With Me -   An offensive play call used by the quarterback in a group; either highlights the play will be called at the line of scrimmage or he provides two plays in the group then says which one he wants to run at the line of scrimmage after observing the defensive alignment and personnel.

Checkdown -  This term is used to describe an action of a quarterback where he throws a short pass to a close player after a passing play has had time to build up. Usually, it is used when the main receivers are not open, and the quarterback looking to throw out the ball for some yardage rather than risk a sack. The receiver on a check-down is generally a running back, coming out of the backfield or swinging to the side of the field, and trying to gain additional yardage after receiving the pass.

Chip Shot -   Another term for a short field goal attempt, usually inside of twenty yards.

Chop Block -   Like a cut block wherein an offensive player blocks a defensive player under the knees and another player blocks them over the waist. It is illicit to block low if a team member is already occupied with the defensive player blocking high for preventing knee and ankle injuries.

Class -   A compliment routinely entitled to a coach having his team take a knee at the end of a play when they are deep in opposition zone and they are at the forefront by two touchdowns or more; compliance with the etiquette of coach that usually has one tenet.

Clear -  Running a pass route through a region to clear that region of the defender.

Clearing route -  Pass route, which is intended to clear a region of the defense.

Clip zone -   Poorly selected phrase for free blocking zone.

Clipping -   It’s a penalty awarded when an offensive player blocks a defensive player from behind, generally at or under the waist. The penalty is fined fifteen yards from the earlier line of scrimmage. This penalty is formed to defend player safety, because of the risky blocks from behind on naive players.

Clock Management -   The game clock and play clock manipulation to attain the desired result, usually done near the ending part of a match.

Cloud -   Refers to the zone pass coverage wherein one cornerback and two safeties control the deep part of the field.

Coffin Corner -   It is the corner of the playing field, which present just before the end zone, generally from the 5-yard line to the goal line.

Coffin-corner kick -  It’s a punt intended towards the sideline inside the opposition’s ten-yard line. A right coffin corner kick generally goes out of bounds just in front of one side of the orange pylon placed in the front of the end zone.

Comeback Route -   An offensive receiver follows any route, which ends with the player turning and heading back in the direction of the quarterback. Comeback routes length varies down the field, but the aim is to get away from the defender before cutting rapidly back towards the quarterback for receiving the ball.

Completion -   When a receiver successfully catches a pass, completion takes place.

Completion Percentage -   The cited metrics used to evaluate the performance of the quarterback. It is calculated by dividing the number of completions to the number of attempts.

Contain -   A defensive approach wherein the pass rush will try keeping the quarterback in the pocket to avoid allowing him to scramble for more time to pass or run with the ball.

Corner -   Pass route wherein the receiver after running an eight- to the twelve-yard stem, cuts outward at a 45-degree angle in the direction of the back corner of the end zone. Earlier known as a flag route.

Cornerback -   A defensive backfield member or secondary in gridiron football. Cornerbacks have the responsibility to cover receivers frequently, and even blitz and defend against the offensive running plays as sweeps and reverses. Through deflecting forward passes, hard tackles, and interceptions, cornerbacks can create turnovers.

Counter -    Offensive misdirection plays in which the ball carrier takes several steps and possibly other backs away from the actual attacking points. Preferably, a counter play will offer a big space on the backside of the defense for which the running back gaining yardage through.

Cover -   This term describes shell, which the defense rolls into after snapping the ball, more particularly the number of defenders defending the deep part of the field.

Crab -   The blocking method wherein the blocker gets down on all fours and pushes the defender sideways by ribs. Only authorized to use in the free blocking zone.

Crackback Block -   Blocking system elements where a player spread wide, or in the slot, will move in the direction of the formation and bring a block to the edge defenders blindside. In this method, the blocker holds the defender over the waist and, should not be a block in the back.

Cross -   Refers to a pass which remains medium-to-long-range. It is generally taken from a broad area of the field towards the middle of the field near the opposition’s goal.

Cut -   When a running player sharply changes the direction, it is termed out as cut.

Cutback -   A sudden variation in direction by a player carrying the ball, typically against the running play. One common kind of cutback would be changing an end-run into a run down the center.

Cut off -   Inward block on a defender beyond away from the blocker than a usual blocking aim; blocker look for preventing the breach of the line of scrimmage by the defender.

Cut Blocking -   An offensive tactic wherein offensive linemen will rock bottom defensive players by striking them at the knees. It is legal only if the defensive player has not already been occupied by another offensive player. The cut block gets rid of a defensive player from the game by knocking them over, thus considered as an effective strategy in play.


Dancing -  An improper tactic used by the ball-carrier wherein he quickly moves his feet in place when he comes across defensive players.

Dash -  Pass play wherein the quarterback drops straight back as if to pass, then all of a sudden sprints out to one side; seems like an unprepared scramble but it is planned.

Daylight -  Refers to an opening in the defense through which a player carrying the ball can run.

Dead Ball -  A situation occurs in a game where the ball does not remain in motion. It takes place whenever a foul is committed, generally results in a free-kick. Between the ball and the player, the minimum distance must be of five yards.

Dead Zone -  Refers to the part of the field where an offense is on their opponent’s side of the field, but kicking a field goal would probably be unsuccessful, and punting the ball would not significantly alter field position. It is also called four-down territory.

Dead-ball Foul -  Any penalty, which is called or reviewed after the whistle has been blown to announce the play dead. It is usually reviewed from the end of the play, instead of from the earlier line of scrimmage or place of the foul. The most general dead-ball fouls are unsportsmanlike behavior and needless violence since they occur during post-play moments.

Decoy -  The player carrying out a false running play or running a pass route knowing that there will be no pass thrown to him now.

Defense recognition -  It is generally a set of blocking system, which might get useless if the defense lines up in an unexpected formation.

Defensive Back -  Refers to a defensive player lining up a little behind the line of scrimmage. The cornerback and safety are two key defensive back positions. Also called the "secondary".

Defensive End -   The defensive lineman lining up on the outer position of a defensive line and have the responsibility to make effective decisions in the running play and not allow a runner outside of his position. Also known as "contain".

Defensive Tackle -  A defensive lineman who is lining up within the defensive line and has the responsibility to stop the run and give pass rush up the middle.

Defensive Team -  The team, which starts a play from scrimmage not in control of the ball

Delay Of Game -  This refers to a five-yard foul that takes place when the offensive side does not keep the ball in play before the game clock runs out. There are too few common incidences resulting in a delay of game foul, for instance, a defensive player grasping an offensive player on the field to stop them from lining up at the time of a two-minute drill.

Diamond -  The old defensive arrangement often called seven-diamond as it includes seven defensive linemen and four players behind them, forming the shape like a diamond.

Dig -  Refers to a route followed by a receiver, generally known as drag route. In this route, the receiver runs a few yards downfield, then takes a 90-degree turn towards the middle of the field and moves parallel to the line of scrimmage. 

Dime Back -  Defensive back replaced into a play in a passing situation to substitute e a linebacker thus resulting in defense with six instead of the five defensive backs of a nickel package.

Dime package -  This term is used to denote six defensive backs on the field all at once. The defense at this time uses 4 down linemen, 1 linebacker, and 6 defensive backs.

Direct Snap -  A play wherein the ball is directly passed by the center to any player except the quarterback. Compare with an indirect snap play wherein the ball is initially given to the quarterback, who then gives it to the last ball carrier. Even describes the formations, which use a direct snap, for instance, the single wing.

Disguise -  A successful offensive game. When a defense made an effort to prevent the offense to identify which kind of pass coverage they are going to use.

Dive -  A kind of play wherein the player carrying the ball carrier either a fullback or a halfback tries to thrust rapidly above the line of scrimmage, rushing in the course of the linemen. Also known as a buck, plunge, line plunge, or line buck, generally different from end run and an off-tackle run.

Double Reverse -  An offensive game in which the running-back hands off the ball to a receiver and he hands off again to another playmaker,  so returning the game to its earlier direction

Double Wing -  An offensive pattern with 1 running back, 2 wingbacks, and either 1 wide receiver or multiple tight ends.

Double coverage -  A defensive playing style in which two defensive players are allocated to cover one offensive player.

Double slot -  It is an offensive pattern without tight ends, 2 split ends, 2 slot backs, and 1 running back lined up at the back of the quarterback and center.

Double team -  A blocking method, which pits 2 players vs. 1 player in pass protecting, run blocking, and receiver coverage.

Down -  This refers to an attempt executed by the offensive side to progress the ball 10 yards or more to score points.  Each team receives four downs to gain ten or more yards.

Down Box -   The post utilized by the chain crew to mark the line of scrimmage and allocate the current down   

Down By Contact -  When any part of the player’s (carrying the ball) body apart from the feet, hands or arms connects the ground due to the contact from an opponent, or when a player carrying the ball is already on the ground and touched by an opponent. The ball goes dead when it is identified that a player is down by contact

Down Lineman -  A player positioning before his line of scrimmage and who has anyone hand on the turf.

Downfield -  Outside the line of scrimmage on the defense side.

Drag -  Shallow pass path before and across the center of the offensive formation; usually merged with a late release by the receiver

Draw -  It is defined as a running play cloaked as a passing play. Generally opposite of a play-action pass and used in long-yardage situations during play.

Draw Play -  A running plays by an offense wherein the quarterback seems as though he will throw the ball, only to hand the ball off to the running back or move it himself.

Drive -  The sequence of plays when the offense carrying the ball, until it punts or scores and the opposition gets possession of the ball.

Drive block -  It is a one-on-one block used mostly when a defensive lineman aligns directly over an offensive lineman. The blocker generally explodes out of a 3-point stance and drives his hips onward to deliver the block from an extensive base while keeping his head above and the shoulders square.

Drop -  Primary steps of a quarterback on a drop-back pass play, which are constantly an odd number.

Drop Kick -  A kick wherein the ball is dropped and kicked after hitting the ground and before hitting again. It is a perfect kick to score a field goal. Because of the pointed nature of the ball, dropkicks are very rarely used.

Dummy audible -  False audible play calls without any meaning.


Edge -  Also known as an edge rusher or edge defender is a part of categorization defining a position. Edge rushers are generally 4-3 defensive ends or 3-4 outside linebackers.

Eight-man front -  A defensive formation including eight defenders in the box; generally a 4-4 or 5-3.

Eligible Receiver -  A player standing on the offense who can receive a forward pass. Eligible receivers comprise the players on the end of the offensive line and the players remain at least a yard at the back of the line of scrimmage.

EMLOS -  Short form for End man on the line of scrimmage. Can denote either offense or defense.

Empty -  Known as the backfield formation where entire backs play near the line of scrimmage acting as extra-wide receivers or tight ends. This is more or less a passing formation used for spreading the field, generally to open up short inside paths or screen routes.

Encroachment -  An illegal effort by a defensive player crossing the line of scrimmage and makes contacting with an offensive player before the ball is snapped.

End Around -  In this play, a wide receiver begins on one field’s side try to cross the opposite side. While crossing the backfield the receiver generally gets the ball from the quarterback.

End Zone -  Called the scoring area, which is located between the end line and goal line surrounded by the sidelines. This area is present on each end of the field where the teams need to score goals either by running into this zone or by catching a pass.

Exchange -  When football moves from the quarterback to running back or from a running back to another player is termed out as exchange.

Extra Point -  When any side attempts scoring a touchdown, they have a chance to earn extra points by kicking the ball into the opponent’s goalposts beginning at the 15-yard line. A successful attempt will add an extra point in the team’s score along with six points earned from touchdown.


Face Mask -  This refers to the part of the helmet, which covers the face of the player (not completely). Another early try in the leather helmet age at face guard was the nose guard. These simply sheltered the nose of the player.

Face Mask, Grasping -  A foul wherein a player grabs the face mask of another player, generally while tackling the player and results in a 15-yard penalty.

Fair Catch -  A signal by the kicker in which he extends arm and wave side to side. While performing this action, the opposing team must give him an unhindered chance to field the ball. Once the team member fields the ball, the place on the field becomes the beginning point for that offensive drive.

Fair Catch Kick -  At the professional and high school levels, there is a rule called Fair Catch Kick, which permits a side that has just completed a fair catch to try a free-kick from the place of the catch.

Fake field goal -  In a field-goal situation, there is a running or passing play, which runs out of a field-goal formation

Fake punt -  In a punt situation, there is a running or passing play, which runs out of a punt formation.

False Start -  If the football has been positioned ready for play, and, before the snap, an offensive player who has implicit a set position charges or moves in such a manner as to simulate the initiate of a play, or if an offensive player in motion suddenly moves toward the line of scrimmage.

Fan -  Pass protection method wherein offensive linemen obstruct defensive linemen and offensive backs obstruct linebackers

Fantasy Football -  A game wherein real-life NFL players (generally the owners or participants) drafts on their own or with the help of software, and then earn scores based on those statistical performances of a player on the field.

FBS -  There are 4 levels of college football in the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), but one among them matters the most i.e. the FBS, short for Football Bowl Subdivision. It includes 124 teams divided into eleven conferences

FCS -  The National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Contest Subdivision, generally known as the second level of college football that has lower scholarship limits as compared to FBS and the existence of a legal NCAA championship episode.

Field -  The offensive formation’s side where the space from the ball (earlier than the snap) to the sideline is highest, also called the wide side.

Field Goal -  This refers to a scoring play in which the kicker gets a chance to score three points by kicking the ball through the uprights from any end on the field. If the kicker is unsuccessful then no points will be awarded in the NFL, however, on the contrary, the team gets one point for an unsuccessful field goal in the CFL only if the ball does not return out of the end zone.

Field Judge -  Refers to one of the referees controlling the game. He will align 25 yards deep in the defensive backfield, and have certain duties such as monitoring the game clock and pass interference penalties monitoring, illegal hand use by defensive players, how many players on the field, and the out of a bound position of a player on the field.

Field Of Play -  Between both the goal lines and the sidelines there is an area and in some circumstances the space upright over it.

Field Position -  A relative assesses of how many yards any side must move to score.

First Down -  Each team gets 4 downs to travel the ball 10 yards. If executed that perfectly, the side is rewarded a new set of downs. First down is considered as the first of those four tries.

Flag -  Known as the penalty flag, which is a yellow cloth used by match officials to recognize and sometimes spot the penalties location or infractions that take place during regular play.

Flag route -  This refers to the corner route’s variant, which needs the receiver to run up the field vertical to the line of scrimmage and turn approximately 45 degrees towards the sidelines.

Flanker -  A kind of receiver, which aligns at the back of the line of scrimmage, generally on the tight end’s side and the reverse side of the split end. Also called Z receiver or wide receiver or in a definite position the slot back.

Flat -  It is a wide area of the field generally 10 yards into the defensive backfield from the line of scrimmage and widening external of the hash marks to the out-of-bounds lines.

Flea Flicker -  An offensive trap plays wherein a running back throws a backward pass back to the quarterback, who after that throws a pass towards a wide receiver or tight end.

Flexbone -  A formation that includes 3 running backs where a fullback is aligned behind the quarterback and 2 slotbacks are aligned behind the line of scrimmage at both ends of the offensive line.

Formation -  Players lining up position before the start of a down. Offense and defense follows different formations. Occasionally, called packages.

Forward Pass -  A pass, which touches a player, object, or the ground near to the opposing team’s end line than where it was free from, or is unintentionally lost during a forward throwing movement.

Forward Progress -   The location to which the player carrying the ball travel before he gets tackled. Finally, the ball is positioned at the point where the forward progress is stopped, even though the team is pushed backward by the defenders.

Four-point Stance -  Stance of down lineman with 4 points on the ground, that means two feet and two hands; generally a tactic used in short yardage or goal line circumstances.

Fourth Down -  The set of four downs finals referred to as Fourth Down. Except a first down is attained or a penalty forces a repeat of the down, the team have to lose control on the ball after this play. If any side does not believe to get a first down, they usually punt on fourth down or try a field goal if they are near enough to do so.

Fourth Down Conversion -  The act of utilizing a fourth down play for making a first down (also called going for it). These are fairly uncommon.

Free Kick -  A kick executed to keep the ball in play like a kickoff or following a safety or fair catch

Free Play -  During snap if the defense commits a foul the offense can play out the remaining game and either takes the 5 yard penalty and replays the down or the outcome of the play, whichever is more beneficial. Therefore, the offense can take higher risks because any catastrophic outcome will be beat by the defensive foul that has committed already.

Free Safety (Fs) -  A position of player on defense. Free safeties usually play deep, or center field, and generally have the pass defense task of guiding other defensive backs in deep coverage.

Freeze option -  Offensive option play wherein the dive is a false right in the direction of the original position of center. As it is expected to freeze the linebackers thus called freeze option.

Front -  Refers to the whole defenders present in the box

Front Seven -  Refers to the defensive linemen and linebackers. Few recognized front-seven configurations are 4-3 and the 3-4.

Fullback -  A position of player on offense, conventionally, aligned deep behind the quarterback in the T formation, nowadays, this position perhaps varied, and player has more blocking task while comparing with the halfback or tailback.

Full house -  A formation utilized by the offensive side wherein 3 running backs aligned in a row about 5 yards behind the quarterback, making the shape of a "T".

Fumble -  When a player unintentionally loss possession of the ball, it is called fumble.

Fumblerooski -  It is a trick play in which the quarterback intentionally places the football on the ground, precisely fumbling so that a lineman or any other player can lift the ball and progress it.


Gain Line -   This is a part of the field where the offensive side has to take the ball to have a new set of downs. Line of each team is signified by the end of the ball near to their own end zone.

Game Manager -  Refers to a quarterback who doesn’t make lots of mistakes and relies on the defense and rushing offense for winning the games.

Gang tackling -  When several defensive players tackle the ball carrier, it is referred to as Gang tackling.

Goal -  Refers to the surface over the bar and between the inner edges lines of the posts.

Goal Area -  At right angles towards the goal-line there are two line drawn extended into the playing field for 5.5m (6yds) and are connected by a line drawn equivalent with the goal-line. The area bordered by these lines and the goal-line is known as the goal area.

Goal Line -  The chalked or painted line which separates the end zone from the playing field. For scoring a touchdown this line must be crossed.

Goal Line Stand -  When players from defense stops player from offense to score a touchdown when they are close to the goal line.

Goalpost -  Both the sides have two vertical side poles called the goal post. The Y-shaped pole is tall and upright, generally of fiberglass, at any of the playing field end, through which a ball must pass to score a goal.

Goose And Go -  If the offense is looking to amaze the defense with a quarterback sneak, the quarterback will go to the center, keep his hands underneath center and goose the center when he needs the ball snapped. 

Green Zone -  The field region from the goal line player is defending to own twenty-yard line; also known as backed up when inside their 10-yard line

Gridiron -  This team introduced with the sport's features playing field, marked by a sequence of parallel lines along the thickness of the field in a way similar to a cooking gridiron. Commonly called gridiron football.

Guard -  Refers to a player align between the center and the tackles on the offensive line of an opposing team on the line of scrimmage, generally used for blocking purpose. Guards generally located at the right or left of the center.

Gunner -  Refers to a player on kickoffs and punts who has the specialty in running down the sideline extremely fast to deal with the kick or punt returner. Also called headhunter, shooter or flyer.

Gunslinger -  Refers to a quarterback playing in an aggressive manner in a decisive position. To be a gunslinger players must have the skill of throwing deep, correct passes.


H-back -  Refers to an offensive position align equally to a tight end, however, is set back from the line of scrimmage, and therefore counted as 1 of the 4 "backs" in the offensive arrangement.

Hail Mary -  Refers to a long forward pass, usually made in fear, with only a little succession chance. Also called a shot play

Half-time -  Generally games are played in two halves and the interval between them is called the half-time. In the NFL, it is generally around twelve minutes, even though for main events such as the Super Bowl the half-time may last much longer.

Halfback -  A position of player on offense or refers to a kind of running back. Also called tailback.

Halfback Option Play -  Trick play wherein the halfback has the chance to either throw a pass or move with the ball.

Halo Violation -  An outdated rule that made it prohibited to enter a halo, which extended 2 yards around any player trying to get a punt. The halo law was a foul for obstruction with the chance to catch a kick. In this rule no players from the kicking side remain within 2 yards of a receiving team player located to catch a punt or kickoff. In 2003, this rule was eliminated.

Halves -  Pass coverage method wherein each safety has to cover up half of the field.

Hand-off -  A move wherein a player passes the ball to another player and receiving player takes control of the ball earlier than it leaves the hands of the provider (so the football is never in air). A handoff can take place in either direction.

Hands Team -  Refers to the wide receivers generally a group of players who have the responsibility to recover an onside kick. They align very near to the ten-yard neutral zone with the intention to recover the ball quickly when the ball passes out of the neutral zone.

Hard Count -  Generally offenses use this strategy to convert on fourth down with below five yards to go. The quarterback utilizes an uneven, accented (so, the phrase hard) rhythm for the snap count in the expectation that the defense will jump offside.

Hash Marks -   Refers to the lines between which the football starts every play. The lines remain parallel to and away from the side lines and distinct as broken lines. When the ball remains between the hash marks and a play is blown dead, the ball must kept at the same place for the further play and if the play finishes outer part of the hash marks, the ball is placed at the closest hash mark.

Hash position -  Related to the hashes such as left, right, or middle position of the ball, this term denotes position of the ball.

Helmet To Helmet Collision -  Refers to a situation in a game where helmets of two players make head-to-head contact with a great force.

Hidden Yardage -  This phrase is used by coaches to point out different situation in a game. Their indication to the phrase is truly specific as hidden yardage is the explanation of adding up punt return yards, kickoff yards, punt, and kickoff return yards. This phrase is used, when coaches discuss the possible “Maybe” result of a game.

Hike -  Another word for snap generally refers to the handoff or passes from the middle, which starts a play from scrimmage.

Hitch -  A receiver running pattern where he seems to be running a fly pattern but after few steps or yards will suddenly stop and turn around, in search of a pass. Also known as button hook, curl, or a curl route.

Holder -  Refers to the player who is holding the ball upright for a place kick. Usually backup quarterbacks are employed for their better ball-handling capability and in the occasion of a bad snap calling for a pass play, or punters for their capability to take long snaps.

Holding -  It is of two types, first offensive holding in which player illegally blocking an opponent by gripping and holding their clothes or body and second defensive holding called in opposition to defensive players holding offensive players, who is not keenly trying to catch the ball.

Hole -  Predestinated attacking point for an offensive play; usually have 2, 4, 6, and 8 number on the right and 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 number on the left.

Homecoming -  An ancient American custom where colleges and high schools would greet alumni return to college grounds and the community. Its earliest merriment centered on alumni football games.

Hook And Lateral -  It is a trick play wherein a wide receiver runs a hook pattern such as progressing in the direction of the line of scrimmage to take a catch and then sideways the ball to another receiver who is going in a diverse direction.

Horse Collar Tackle -  A kind of tackle where the player who is tackling opponent grabs their jersey or shoulder pads on a  back and pulls them to the field aggressively.

Horse-collar -  It is a type of trick wherein a defender tackles another player by gripping the back collar or the back-inside of a challenger’s shoulder pads and pulling the player who is carrying the ball directly downward aggressively to pull his feet from beneath him.

Hot pass -  An extremely fast pass to an offensive pass receiver who is following a replacement route to acquire a position leaved by a defensive pass rusher

Hot Read -  Pre-designated receiver called the hot receiver who should be prepared to catch a ball quickly after the snap in the incident that the quarterback observes a blitz coming.

Huddle -  When all the team members meet on the field to discuss instructions for the forthcoming play

Hurry-up Offense -  An offensive tactic planned to earn yardage while running as least time off the clock as feasible. It usually includes making plays with no huddle. This strategy is useful to make the defensive team off-balance.

Hut -  A loud command repeatedly made by quarterbacks for the other players to move to other direction or place.


I Formation -  A formation, which consists of a fullback and tailback aligned directly at the back of the quarterback while the quarterback is in center. It is the most recognized offensive formation in which the fullback aligned 3 yards at the back of the quarterback, and the halfback aligned around 2 yards at the back of the fullback--all in a straight line that forms an "I" shape.

Icing The Kicker -  It is the action of calling a timeout quickly before the snap to interrupt the route of kicking a field goal.

Illegal Formation -  As per the rules on offense, there must be precisely seven players aligned on the line of scrimmage for minimum one count prior to snap of the ball. If it is not done then illegal formation penalty is granted.

Illegal Motion -  When the offensive team player moves prior to the snap of ball in an illegal way the illegal motion penalty is granted. It is generally a five yard penalty in opposition to the offense.

Illegal Shift -  With regards to offensive formation only one person is permitted to be in pre-snap position after the formation is placed. A second player can go in action after the first player come to an initial position for one second. If the team doesn’t fulfill these conditions when sending player into motion, it is called an illegal shift.

Inbounds Lines -  Two short line rows called inbounds lines or hash marks, which run at one-yard distance vertical to the sidelines close to the center of the field. All plays begins with the ball on or between the inbounds lines.

Incomplete Pass -  Refers to a forward pass which is not caught by the player.

Incompletion -  The yards that are earned from the receiving play are accredited to the receiver as receiving yards. If this pass is not trapped by the receiver, it is known as incompletion.

Indirect Snap -  A play wherein the ball is given to the quarterback’s hand instead of throwing directly to the ball carrier by the center like in a direct snap play. It is so called as the quarterback plays like an intermediary in passing on the ball to the ball carrier.

Ineligible Receiver -  Refers to the players on the offense who are not eligible to catch passes.

Inside Of A Player's Path -  This term is used to refer the place where the football was snapped from. Thus, a path of ball carrier in passing the neutral zone perhaps said to be "inside" of a challenger, or generally "inside run" , and a rushing defensive player perhaps said to be on an "inside move" or "inside rush".

Intentional Grounding -  Refers to a rule’s violation in which a passer throws a forward pass with no a practical possibility of completion. This usually take place when a quarterback ready to be sacked, passes the ball in the direction where there is no eligible receiver present.

Interception -  Refers to a move, which take place when the defensive player catches a ball from the quarterback rather than the planned receiver.

Interference -  It is an old phrase different from pass interference. It denotes leading block for a ball-carrier, generally in the open field.

Interior Offensive Line -  Includes the center and guards. Offensive linemen cannot catch forward passes and can’t progress more than two yards past the line of scrimmage when the pass is thrown, whether being occupied with a defensive player or not.


Jab Step -  It is referred as a small step utilized by a kicker to start his move as the ball is snapped on a field goal or extra point.

Jack -  Also called “Mo”. In 3-4 formation, Jack is the Interior linebacker playing in the weak side of the configuration.

Juke (Football Move) -  It is a move carried out to avoid a tackler by trick, and so with no need of a stiff arm. Also known as sidestepping. It usually comprises a ball-carrier faking as if he will run in one direction, but runs the opposite.

Jumbo -  Refers to an offensive package that consists of 2 tight ends, 1 full back, and 1 half back. It is alike heavy jumbo, wherein anyone among the halfback or the fullback is substituted by another tight end.


Key breaker -  Offensive play planned to lose the confidence of defender or taking advantage of a defender who is entering on a firm action by an offensive player.

Kick -  Refers to a dropkick, a punt, or a place kick in American Football.

Kick Returner -  The expert player in the team who has the responsibility to catch the kickoff or punt from the opponent and take the ball up the field great extent possible without stepping out of bounds or being engaged in.

Kick Six -  It is a punt or a field goal which is blocked and come back for a touchdown, or the comeback of a missed field goal for a touchdown. Generally used to indicate the Iron Bowl game of 2013.

Kick-out block -  It is utilized on a running play where an interior lineman drags to the outer and holds an edge defender, generally a cornerback or an outside linebacker. The blocker fixes the defender in the direction of the sideline consequently the running back can cut inside.

Kicker -  The player who has a specialty in placekicking such as field goals and kickoffs. In rare situations, the placekicker exclusively manages field goals while a kickoff expert manages kickoffs.

Kickoff -  A play, which takes place at the start of the game. This usually occurs at the beginning of each half of play or after a scoring play by the offensive team. It is an approach to start a drive that includes one team called the kicking team which kicks the ball to the opponent team called the receiving team.

Kneel -  A low-risk play wherein the player carrying the ball kneels after taking the snap, which automatically ends the play though the clock is running. This is executed to end the game earlier with no need to run a riskier play. The quarterback usually takes a knee on the initial snap after the two-minute warning.

Kneel Down -  Offensive plays wherein the quarterback comes on one knee after taking the snap, which automatically ends the play.


Lateral -  When the player carrying the ball throws it to a teammate in a way parallel to or away from the goal line of the opposing team.

Lateral Pass -  Any pass, which is not in an onward direction or any pass which is straight to the line of scrimmage. Once this pass hits the ground, it is believed to be a live ball and can be picked up by any player on the field.

Left Guard And Right Guard -  Refers to the inner 2 players of the offensive line, whose responsibility is to block for and protect the quarterback and player carrying the ball.

Left Tackle And Right Tackle -  Refers to the outer 2 players of the offensive line.

Leg Whip -  This refers to an illegal play wherein a player swings his leg parallel in order to connect with an opponent’s leg. The leg whip was prohibited because of the severe injury possibility. It generally results in 15 yards penalty.

Lengthen the game -  Stopping the clock greatest extent possible to add more plays in the game

Line Of Scrimmage -  It is an imaginary line, which crosses the field that offensive and defensive players both cannot cross until the ball is snapped and the play began. Even it is the spot where the ball is placed after running a play or being charged a penalty.

Line To Gain -  This phrase is used for the yard line past which any squad requires to move on the ball to gain a new set of downs. The line to gain remains 10 yards from the line of scrimmage for every new set of downs, and the squad has four downs to move one at least that distance.

Linebacker -  The position of a player on defense. The linebackers usually play 1 to 6x yards behind the defensive linemen and are considered as the handiest players on defense due to the ability to defend run and pass plays both. Linebacker is of two types, MLB (middle linebacker) and OLB (outside linebacker).

Lineman  - This refers to a player who has the specialty to play at the line of scrimmage. Often it is said to be an offensive or defensive spot of the player on the line of scrimmage.

Live Ball -  Any ball, which is in play, whether the player owns the ball or not. The ball is considered to be live right through play from scrimmage, free kicks, as well as kickoffs.

Live Ball Foul -  A foul granted for a variety of infractions, for example, changing numbers during a game.

Liz -  Left, generally utilized for line calls or check with me to assign a congestion side of the line or which of 2 plays, which can either go left or right accordingly.

Loaf -  When a player not performing according to his potential and not maintains his full-speed during the game. Generally done by an egotistic player who is not the central point of the play in question.

Loaf and leave -  Pass pattern wherein the receiver releases gradually off the line of scrimmage at the snap as if the receiver is not included in this play, and then increase speed suddenly on a streak route

Long Snapper -  One of the specialist members of the team who has the responsibility to snap the ball over a longer distance, generally around fifteen yards during punts, and seven to eight yards during field goals.

Loop -  Defensive act wherein a linebacker blitzes through a gap, which is 1 or 3 gaps away from where he was lined up before the snap


Man Coverage -  A defensive idea in which a defensive back or linebacker is responsible to cover a particular offensive player i.e. an eligible receiver. Mostly, linebackers are responsible for man coverage with Tight Ends and Running Backs, while defensive backs generally cover wide receivers and at times Tight Ends.

Man In Motion -  An offensive team player moving backward or parallel to the line of scrimmage before the snap. Generally, wide receivers, running backs, and tight ends on the offense go in motion.

Man-to-man Coverage -  A defense wherein all players in pass coverage that includes linebackers and defensive backs covers a particular player. Clean man coverage is rare; defenses usually combine man and zone coverage.

Marty Ball -  An offensive playing style popularized by previous NFL head coach Marty Schottenheimer. Marty Ball keeps stress on running the ball, managing the clock, and playing strong defense.

Maryland-i -  It is an I formation that includes 3 running backs line up behind the quarterback in a straight line.

Max Protect -  Tactics on offense wherein many players are placed on pass protection so that the defense couldn’t reach the quarterback. Generally, the pass protection comprises the 5 linemen, max protect generally includes a running back and a tight end also to help with pass protection. This is done in a clear blitzing state to provide maximum protection to the quarterback in the pocket.

Midfield -  The part of the field close to the 50-yard line, generally the region in and around the middle circle.

Mike -  In a 4-3 formation the mike is the middle linebacker while in the 3-4 formation, he is the interior linebacker playing on the tough side of the formation. He is the one who defends the interior gaps and the curl zone. Mike is known as the defense leader.

Mo (Ilb) -  In 3-4 formation, interior linebacker playing on the weaker side of the formation is called MO or jack.

Monster Man -  A player spot on the defensive side, the monster can cover deep zones as he is a strong safety in a 4-deep secondary provide a guard against runs and, occasionally, playing on the line of scrimmage.

Motion -  This term is used to describe the offensive player movement during the snap.

Move The Pile -  When a player carrying the ball severely hits several defenders so that the defenders move toward the back is termed out as move the pile.

Move The Pocket -  Refers to an offensive play plan wherein the defense for the passer is placed other than the common spot directly behind the center.

Muff -  When a fumble takes place on the ground, or the football strikes a player suddenly in particular situations, the ball is live and any side might claim it by taking it first.  When a player tries to claim control of a loose ball and failed to get it, it is known as a muff.

Muffed Punt -  When a player makes an uncontrolled touch of the ball on the returning side after it is punted, it is called a muffed punt.


N-possession Game -  A way to express the number of times any side, which is late in the play and trails its opposing side, must own the ball and score without permitting the challenger to do the same in order to tie or surpass the opponent.

National Association Of Intercollegiate Athletics -  One more governing organization of college sports that includes college football, whose member schools are lesser as compare to NCAA

National Collegiate Athletic Association -  The principal prevailing association of college sports that includes college-level football

National Federation Of State High School Associations -  The principal prevailing association of U.S. high school football and other high school games. The NFHS football set of laws are used in the whole country, excluding Texas, where the foundation set of laws are of the NCAA.

National Football League -  Generally called NFL, which is the leading professional American football league that includes 32 teams divided into two conferences and 4 divisions each.

National Junior College Athletic Association -   The governing organization for community college games that includes junior college football.

Neutral Zone -  The area, which is either located between the lines of scrimmage or the free-kick restraining lines

Nfl -  Short for National Football League which is the main professional American football association in the world that includes 32 teams divided between 2 conferences such as the National Football Conference and the American Football Conference.

Nfl Europa -  The NFL's earlier 6-team European spring league that ends after its 2007 season. It was formally launched to increase NFL culture to Europe, but at last, become a secondary league for failed NFL players and therefore ended after 2007 season.

Nickel Back -  This refers to a defensive back player who is replaced into the play when the defensive arrangement calls for an additional defensive back. The nickel back is usually a third defensive back who can better play in the middle of the field. He is the one who plays multiple roles in the team such as defense against running back, blitzing the quarterback, covering receivers, etc.

Nickel Defense -  A defensive position, which employs five defensive backs. In this defense, an additional defensive back is used to fight offenses, which have an active tight end or utilizes 3 wide receiver sets frequently.

No-huddle Offense -  A tactic in which the offense rapidly forms near the line of scrimmage with no huddling prior to the next play.

Nose Tackle -  The most inner defensive tackle who at time-align directly across from the ball, so remain nearly nose-to-nose with the center of offense is often known as a nose tackle, nose guard, or middle guard. It is quite common in the 3-4 defense.


Offensive Line -  The front part of an offensive formation, which is mainly responsible to block the defense. An offensive line usually includes a center, 2 guards and 2 tackles.

Offensive Team -  This refers to the team, which starts a game from scrimmage in control of the ball. A game generally starts when the quarterback received a snap from the center and then offers it to a back or a receiver or a back, or take the ball himself.

Offside -  It is a slight foul that takes place when a defender passes the line of scrimmage before the snap of the ball. The penalty linked with the violation is the five-yard ball move and a replay of the down.

One Back Formation -  This term describes any offensive formation, which includes only single running back,  either a back align straight behind the quarterback or a back align beside the quarterback in a shotgun set.

One back -  Refers to an offensive backfield that includes one running back along with the quarterback behind the offensive inner line.

Onside Conversion -  In 2019 winter, the AAF introduced "onside conversion" generally an opportunity if a team was straggling by 17 or more points with 5 minutes or less in the play. It permits a team to pursue a touchdown by attempting to convert a 4th-and-12 play from its 28.

Onside Kick -  A play wherein the kicking side attempts to recover the kicked ball.

Option Offense -  An offense greatly relying upon the option run and distinctions thereof.

Option Run -  Generally, a kind of play wherein the quarterback has the choice of handing off, keeping, or crossways passing to several backs. This could be a play wherein a running back might either pass or run.

Out Of Bounds -  When any body part of the player gets connected with the white line, the player is considered to be out of bounds, and the play stop.


Package -  This term either refers to the player’s group on the ground for a given play or used as an alternative phrase for personnel grouping.

Pancake -  This term refers to a block in which a defensive player gets flat on his back since the running back goes all the way through the hole. Usually, offensive line coaches and offensive linemen use the term pancake block in the play.

Pass -  When a player uses their arm to pass the ball to another player by throwing it through the air between them, it is called a pass. Pass is categorized as a forward pass or a lateral pass, based on the direction the ball moves.

Pass Attempt -  When an offensive player throws the football ahead while trying to complete a pass to a team member it is termed out as pass attempt. It takes place behind the line of scrimmage, and only a single forward pass perhaps tried per play. It is a useful strategy used by an offense to advance the ball.

Pass Interference -  When a player unlawfully obstructs an eligible receiver's, or a defender's catch to pick up a forward pass.

Pass Protection -  An offensive player’s arrangement with the aim to keep the defense from getting to the quarterback, thus permitting him the time to complete a right pass downfield. Pass protection includes 5 offensive linemen, tight ends, or running backs in particular conditions.

Passer Rating -  The performance of quarterbacks measured in a numeric value is known as passer rating. It was invented in 1973

Passing Down -  A down wherein a pass is expected to be attempted.

Passing Play -  A play wherein a pass is attempted.

Passing Yards -  The distance in overall yards from scrimmage, which a passer has thrown the ball also with the distance any receivers have run after picking up the ball.

Pat -  Called Point after a touchdown or extra point, wherein the scoring team gets a chance to score another point by kicking the ball through the goalpost’s upright.

Peel-back Block -  An action in which an offensive player obstructs a defender who is traveling back toward the direction of their end zone; below the waist and from the back or the side, a peel-back block is considered illegal.

Penetration -  The skill of playing from first to last or behind the opponent.

Personal Foul -  A player conducted a foul received a fifteen-yard penalty due to needless violence or unsportsmanlike conduct in a game. Personal fouls are generally evaluated after the outcome of the play and can be entitled to the offense or the defense both.

Personnel Grouping -  Groups of players in a team to recognize a different kind of skill spot players on the field of play for an offense. Teams generally utilize personnel groupings to make a foundation for most of their plays and to send out players in a proper position during a game.

Pick -  A move or an interception by a player that includes the passing of ball by using foot or hand.  Generally, the ball is passed for a player of the same side but caught by opponent team player, who thus gains ball’s possession.

Pick-six -  An interception, which is returned to the end zone of a passing team for a touchdown. Generally, it is a ranking method utilized by Ring of Honor to decide championship contestants.

Pigskin -  Earlier to prepare football craftsmen use natural materials like an inflated pig bladder, afterward include leather cover inside that has introduced American slang-phrase "pigskin". 

Pistol Formation -  A hybrid edition of the shotgun wherein the quarterback align about three yards behind the center and the running back align straight behind the quarterback.

Place Kick -  Kicking the football from where it has been positioned stationery on the floor or a tee.

Placekicker -  Refers to the player who has the responsibility to kick field goals and extra points. Sometimes this player plays the role of kickoff specialist or punter in the team.

Play -  This refers to the plan of action or approach used in a game to travel the ball down the field. A play generally starts at the snap from the center or at kickoff. Players maintain proof of these plays in their playbook.

Play Action -  A strategy wherein the offense will false one play quickly after the snap before truly running a different play. It is done to get the response from the defense to the false play and give the opportunity to the offensive players to get open and successfully sprint the actual play.

Play Clock -  It is a countdown clock, which is used to speed up the pace of the game in American football. Also known as a delay-of-game timer.

Play-action Pass -  Also called play fake or play-action, which begins with what seems to be a running play, but later become a pass play.

Playing Field -  This region is located between both the goal lines and the sidelines and in some situations the space perpendicularly over it.

Pocket -  Protected cup-shaped or U-shaped region made by offensive lineman and backs in order to give the quarterback a time to observe an open receiver and throw a pass.

Point Of Attack -  Place among the defense where the offense tries to reach with the football either by running or passing.

Pooch Kick -  Refers to a punt or kickoff intentionally kicked with less force as compared to the normal force. Generally, used to restrict the capability of the receiving team to return the football.

Pop Warner Little Scholars -  The United States' main youth-level football league that involved players more than 13years of age. The term Pop Warner can rarely use to denote any youth league whether it is affiliated or not affiliated with the state association.

Possession -  Series of plays wherein one team carries the ball continuously; also known as a drive

Possession Receiver -  Receiver (tight end, slot backs or wings) used to get the third-down yardage and first down to enable his team to keep possession of the ball for another series. Possession receivers carry the skill to turn an intense target share into constantly moving the chains.

Post -  Pass route wherein the receiver cuts a smaller angle (around 45 degrees) after a stem of normally eight yards. The alteration of direction puts the receiver on a way toward the goal post, that’s why called a post.

Post Pattern -  A passing route wherein the receiver runs eight to ten yards, false a look back at the quarterback, then run deep at an angle in the direction of the center of the field.

Post-corner -  This refers to a deep double move route, which should be sprint similar to the Post route to make the defense believe the route will be sprint inside.

Power -  Short for a power play that refers to a strong-side off-tackle play including a fullback blocking for the ball-carrying tailback.

Power G -  Off-tackle power plays wherein the main block on the outside of the attacking point is by a pulling guard and further play side offensive lineman block inner.

Power I -  Generally, a running-emphasis variant wherein the player who substitutes one wide receiver with a fullback or running back in the backfield, grouped to one side of the fullback. The formation of Jumbo or Goal-line more enlarges the Power I or Big I, adding a 2nd tight end or 3rd tackle to the line, correspondingly.

Power Play -  It is an offensive lead play, which attacks the tough-side C gap.

Power X -  Refers to the off-tackle power play wherein the key blocks on all side of the attacking point are a cross block.

Prevent Defense -  A defensive line up, which stops the offense from completing a long pass or getting a touchdown in one play and aims to run out the clock.

Pro Set -  An offensive formation that includes two backs, aligned side-by-side 2 or 3 yards at behind the quarterback, with one on any side of the quarterback

Protection -  Blocking for a play to keep the football in the offensive backfield for long as compared to usual running play such as scrimmage kicks and passes.

Pull -  Interior offensive lineman moves wherein he steps a little backward on his initial step while turning ninety degrees then sprints along the line of scrimmage for blocking a far defender.

Pulling -  An offensive lineman or a pulling blocker who rather than blocking the player before them, steps back from the line and sprints to block a defender, generally in a trap or sweep play.

Pump Fake -   An action by the quarterback to mislead the defense.

Punt -  A kick wherein the ball is dropped and kicked prior to reaching the ground. The punter receives and drops the ball towards their foot to kick it down the field to the opposing side.

Punt Return -  A play wherein a player gets a punt from the opponent and tries to move on the ball as long as possible down the field. The main benefit to a punt return is that the offense gets better field position and have a great chance of scoring.

Punter -  A kicker having a specialty in punting rather than placekicking.

Pursuit -  Defenders movement either to chosen locations or to the ball after a throw of the ball. Correct pursuit comprises each defender taking right paths, angles and running at maximum speed.


Q-in -  Pass route wherein the receiver first goes outward (approx 45-degree) then spins (225 degrees) resulting in heading straight inner toward the center of the field

Q-out -  Pass route wherein the receiver first goes inward (approx 45-degree) then spins (approx 225 degrees) resulting in heading straight outside toward the sideline.

Quads -  Offensive no-back formation wherein there are 4 receivers on one side. It can be 1 tight end and 3 flankers or 1 split end and 3 slots

Quarter -   A segment of a game, generally there are four quarters in every game. Each quarter in NFL is fifteen minutes long.

Quarter Defense -   A defensive arrangement that includes 7 defensive backs, 3 down linemen and 1 linebacker

Quarterback -   Refers to an offensive player align behind the center, and taking the snap.

Quarterback Rating -   Generally known as passer rating, which refers to passers, generally quarterbacks performance calculation.  It is measured on the basis of passing attempts, yards, completions, touchdowns, and interceptions carried out by a player.

Quarterback Scramble -   An impromptu movement or run by a quarterback is called Quarterback Scramble. In any situation quarterback feels the pressure from opponent’s defense, he perhaps runs ahead, backward, or crossways, to avoid being tackled.

Quarterback Sneak -   A play wherein the quarterback, taking the core snap, dives forward while the offensive line rushes forward. It is only used in the short-yardage condition.

Quick Kick -   Any punt which is carried out under conditions such that the opponent should not guess a punt.

Quick Receiver -   A receiver who lines up on the line of scrimmage or less than one yard off the line of scrimmage and outer of the offensive line.

Quick Side -   Weakside; the phrase is used by some coaches as weak side echo wimpy to anyone who is not familiar with football expressions.

Quints -   A quads arrangement in which a split end is away from the side of the quad


Reach -  An onside-blocking method is also called a hook block. In this blocking technique, an offensive lineman tries to reach the next defender. It involves the blocker pushing off his inner foot and taking a set-to-reach step with the outer foot. The 2nd step is made through the crotch of the defender as the blocker rips his inner arm across the chest of the defender.

Reception -  A play wherein a forward pass from behind the line of scrimmage is caught by a player in bounds, who, after catching it, resume to either score a touchdown or be downed.

Red Flag -  This flag is used by coaches as a special indicator to notify field referees that they would like the earlier play reviewed. In the NFL, the coach is permitted to challenge particular calls made by referees during the game period. Each coach receives two challenges per game and must have a remaining timeout to utilize it.

Red Zone -  A phrase utilize for the distance from the defending team's 20-yard line to the goal line. When offense enters the red zone, they have a great possibility of scoring, as they are inside field goal range for most kickers, and only need to cover short space for scoring a touchdown.

Redshirt -  This phrase is used in college football games that depict a method by which a student-athlete can practice with a team and go to the classes while not utilizing one of their 4 years of sporty eligibility.

Referee -  The game official who has the responsibility to monitoring player’s action on the field.

Regular Season -  It is the part of the season scheduled early by the schools, in college-level football. The regular season in NFL is distinct as weeks 1–17, not including the preseason or postseason.

Replacement Route -  Pass route wherein the receiver substitute a particular defender by sprinting to the place vacated by the defender when he leaves to rush the passer.

Restraining Line -  A line on both sides of that field running parallel to the sideline.

Return -  This term describes a special team plays wherein one sidekick the ball, either on a punt, field goal, or kickoff, and the opponent returns the ball with a returner.

Return Yards -  A statistic, which calculates the number of yards a receiving team earned on plays including a kickoff or punt.

Reverse -  An offensive movement wherein a running back takes the ball toward one side of the field but either tosses or hands the ball to a team member who is traveling in the opposite direction.

Reverse Pivot -  The spinning move was carried out by a quarterback right after getting the snap.

Rhythmic Cadence -  Cadence wherein the silence between words and numbers are steady rather than varying.

Roll-out Pass -  Pass drop wherein the quarterback sprint average speed outward and backward wide to one side and throws a pass on the sprint or after setting up

Roll-up Corner -  Cornerback alignment wherein he has a small cushion vis a vis the receiver

Roughing The Kicker -  This refers to a penalty, which occurs when a defensive player makes major contact with a punter or kicker, who made a kick attempt a few minutes ago. The defensive player cannot make a contact with a kicker except the kick has been blocked or tipped by the defense. The offense gets 15 yards and an automatic first down as a penalty reward.

Roughing The Passer -  This refers to a penalty, which occurs when a defensive player illegally makes contact with a quarterback.

Route -  A path or pattern followed by a receiver while running with the football. Routes are generally run by tight ends, running backs, and wide receivers, but other spots can behave like a receiver given the play.

Route Tree -  The diagram that depicts the entire pass routes a team has along with their name and number.

Rover -  Refers to a hybrid safety having multiple duties such as a defensive back and a linebacker.

RPO -  Short for run-pass option. The quarterback takes the decision either to hand off, pass or keep the ball depending on the action of a single defender, generally a linebacker or safety.

Rub -  Pass route wherein one receiver intentionally gets in the way of a defender but avoids touching him.

Run And Shoot -  An offensive system that highlights receiver movement and on-the-fly alteration of receivers' path in response to different defenses.

Run Out Of The Gun -  A running play started from the shotgun formation where the offensive line aligns usually, but the quarterback is placed three to four steps behind the center.

Run Through -  Linebacker later movement where he changes direction and runs via a gap in the offensive line to deal with a ball carrier in the backfield for a loss.

Run To Daylight -  Advice to the player carrying the ball to avoid defenders as they carry on toward the goal line

Run-pass Option -  Offensive play wherein the quarterback or other player who is carrying the ball rolls out to the side and has the choice to run or pass the ball on the run.

Running Back -  A player of the offensive backfield whose main responsibility is to receive handoffs from the quarterback to run the ball, to align as a receiver to receive the ball, and block.

Running Out The Clock -  A game technique, which involves frequently carrying out simple plays and permit the game clock to keep on running in an attempt to bring the play to a quicker end.

Running Play -  This refers to a play where the offense tries to progress the football without a forward pass.

Running Up The Score -  A normally disheartened practice wherein a team, despite leading by some touchdowns, continues to earn lots of points in an attempt to make more margins in victory score.

Rush -  Either refers to a running play or an effort to tackle or rush a player before they can throw a pass or place a kick.

Rush End -  Defensive end with the responsibility to rush the passer.

Rushing -  Running carrying the ball when initiate from behind the line of scrimmage to gain yardage. While this generally denotes a running play, any offensive play, which does not include a forward pass is a rush or known as a run.

Rushing Average Or Yards Per Carry Average -  A player’s total running yards quotient is divided by the number of running attempts.


Sack -  This refers to tackling a player who is carrying the ball intending to throw a forward pass. A sack is granted if a player has fumble or the player carrying the ball goes out of bounds, behind the line of scrimmage on an obvious planned forward pass play.

Safety -  This term either refers to the position of a player position on defense or a way to score two points by downing an opponent who is carrying the ball in his end zone. If the offense commits a foul within their end zone the safety is awarded.

Safety Valve -  A receiver with the responsibility to get open for a short pass when all other receivers are generally covered.

Salmon -  A player carrying the ball who swims upstream like a north-south runner

Sam -  The SLB (Strongside linebacker) is usually called the "Sam" with the purpose to call a blitz. The strongside linebacker generally aligns across from the tight end.

Scat -  Pass protection wherein a running back is allocated to block one possible running linebacker or safety

Scatback -  When a fumble is recovered by the defense which ends in a touchdown, it is termed as a scatback.

Scheme -  A set plan for offensive or defensive formations, prepared by a coaching staff of the team. It is based on the precise circumstances of a game and the approach used by a team.

Scoop -  A block executed by an offensive lineman on a linebacker following from the backside

Scoop And Score -  A fumble picked up by the defense and straight away returned for a touchdown.

Scout Report -  Written evaluation of video of future opponent’s current games to know about their strengths, weaknesses, and playing tendency. The weekly game plan of any team is prepared on the basis of the scout report.

Scout Team -   A group of players on a team with a responsibility to emulate the feature of possible opponent players. Known as a practice team, practice crew, taxi crew, or practice roster

Scramble -  An unplanned movement or run by a quarterback, generally called quarterback scramble. To evade being tackled behind the line of scrimmage as the opposing team put pressure, the quarterback usually runs forward, backward, or laterally on the field.

Scramble Drill -  Pass routes, which receivers are allocated to run when the quarterback is not able to throw on time and must scramble at the back of the line of scrimmage

Scrambling -  Vague movements by a quarterback to evade being sacked.

Scrape -  The lateral movements executed by a linebacker while a running play; some coaches might use it to denote what other coaches term a run-through

Screen Pass -  A play comprises of a short pass to a receiver who is sheltered by a screen of blockers.

Scrimmage -  You may imagine football when you take notice of the word scrimmage, as the football is placed on the "line of scrimmage" at the beginning of a play. A scrimmage is even considered as a practice between two teams.

Scrimmage Kick -  Any kick, which is executed by the particular teams that occur on the line of scrimmage. Scrimmage kicks are executed during special game situations either after a touchdown or if one side is giving possession of the ball to the opposing side.

Scrimmage Play -  Play that starts with a snap and the defense allowed to be on the edge of the impartial zone

Seal -  Refers to an offensive lineman who comes in the linebacker way looking to follow a wide play laterally.

Seam Route -  A perpendicular pass pattern in the center of the field, which is usually carried out from the tight end position and/or tight slot alignment. It is useful to beat zone coverage by attacking the edges or soft places between two defenders in the secondary.

Second Level -  This is the area on defense at the back of the linemen where the linebackers generally reside.

Secondary -  The defensive backfield, particularly the safeties and cornerbacks having the responsibility of pass coverage defense.

Self Scouting -  To be aware of your team tendencies and the expectation of the opposing team from you and your squad. Self-scouting is useful for both the team at any level of the game.

Selfish Player -  A player who only performs best when he has the ball or ready to get the ball, or trying to tackle or assisting a tackle.

Separation -  Receiver going away from a defender who is looking to cover him.

Series -  Refers to a sequence of downs, starting with a 1st down along with all following downs until a new first down, score, or change of possession. A usual drive includes multiple series.

Set -  Either refers to offensive or defensive formation or holding still in the last pre-snap stance.

Set Recognition -  Drill by defense team wherein a scout offense lines up in the formations of the approaching opponent and the defense practices lining up properly against the scout offense formations.

Settle -  In a zone pass defense when a receiver moving slowly or stop at the seam it is called settle or throttle down

Seven-man Front -  A defensive arrangement, which includes 7 defenders in the box; usually a 4-3 or 3-4

Shade -  A line up by a defensive player wherein his nose is aligned with something excluding the gap between offensive linemen or the offensive linemen’s noses.

Shield Punt -  When 7 players align on the line of scrimmage and quickly begin to cover the punt while 3 offensive players stay to protect the punter.

Shift -  When more than two offensive players are in motion at the same time before the snap. All players who are moving in a shift must come to a complete stop before the snap.

Shooting -  A colloquial phrase, which describes an action in American football wherein a linebacker or a defensive back engages in a blitz.

Short Field -  Owning the ball in the rival’s half of the field.

Short Punt -   It is an older arrangement on both offense and defense which is utilized when scoring was difficult and an excellent punt was itself an offensive mace.

Short Side -  The offensive formation side where the space from the football to the sideline is shortest also called the boundary.

Short Trap -  Traps play wherein the pulling trap blocker passes only one of his team member inside linemen on the way to his blocking target.

Short Yardage -  A play wherein very few yards are required to reach a first down or touchdown. Short yardage condition can take place on any down, and the only condition for it is that there are not several yards to get.

Shorten The Game -  Following slow-down regulations in order to decrease the number of plays in a game

Shotgun -  This formation includes quarterback align 5 to 7 yards behind the center.

Shotgun Formation -  A formation wherein the quarterback takes the snap 5-8 yards behind the center.

Shovel Pass -  It is an extremely short forward pass generally to a receiver who stays in the offensive backfield and running sideways

Shuffle -  Running laterally by sliding the foot on the region the player is going outer then bringing the other foot near to the first foot without crossing the legs

Shuffle Pass -  When a dumbass receiver is giving more attention to the music rather than receiving the damn ball

Side Zone -  Refers to the area, which lies between a sideline and a hash mark.

Sideline -  This either refers to one of the lines marked at both side of the field or on the field close to a sideline

Sight Adjustment -  Alteration in pass route by a receiver due to defender behavior, which triggers the change.

Signal Caller -  Generally known as the quarterback which is one of the positions in American football. Quarterbacks are parts of the offensive team and align straight behind the offensive line.

Single Wing -  An offensive arrangement that features a long snap to a back 3 to 5 yards behind the center and a wingback placed at the strong end.

Single Wing(Ed)-t -  A formation that includes 1 wingback and an adjacent tight end wherein the center gives the ball to the quarterback, who is holding hands between the legs of the center.

Skeleton -  Competitive passing drill that has no interior linemen and approx five eligible receivers; 7-on-7 is the most common skelly format.

Skinny Post -  A post pattern variant, wherein the receiver cuts infield at a shallower angle.

Sky Kick -  Similar to a pooch kick which generally pops high in the air and targets the opponent 20 or 25-yard line.

Slant -  A fast, small passing route wherein a receiver moves at a forty-five-degree angle up the field to the space between the linemen and linebackers.

Slappy -  Refers to a lousy player.

Slide -  Pass protection wherein the offensive linemen move in a similar direction and the running back goes in the reserve direction and blocks at the other direction of the line.

Slip Screen -  Screen pass play wherein a wide receiver quickly runs inside close to the line of scrimmage.

Slot -  The area, which lies between a split end and the remaining offensive line. A pass receiver aligned in the slot at the snap of the football perhaps called a slotback or slot receiver.

Slot Back -  Quick receiver line up in the slot

Sluggo -  Refers to the slope and go pass route.

Smash -  The concept of smash includes 2 routes, run on a similar part of the field, which hunts for stress zone coverage with paired high-low routes. The high route is generally a corner route, which gets the receiver twelve to fifteen yards downfield. In the meantime, the low route is generally a rapid hitch or curl, settling into a vacant zone.

Smashmouth Offense -  An offensive approach that relies on a powerful running game. In this approach, most of the offensive plays are handoffs either to the tailback or fullback.

Snap -  The backward passing or handing off from the center, which starts a play from scrimmage

Sneak -  Offensive play wherein the quarterback quickly runs forward after receiving the snap.

Sniffer -  For the straightforward purposes, the Sniffer can obstruct the play-side defender the simplest from his spot near to the line of scrimmage.

Solid -  Men pass protection that includes an equal number of blockers and possible pass rushers

Space -  The reverse of the crowded region on the ground.

Spearing -  A tackling method wherein a player makes primary contact with the crown of their helmet by utilizing their body like a spear. For spear tackling, an offensive player or a defensive player can be punished.

Special Teams -  The units, which handle kickoffs, punts, free kicks, and field-goal tries.

Speed Cut -  Perhaps the difficult breakpoint to sustain body control is the “Speed Cut” as it naturally requires the receiver to cut aggressively at full speed.

Speed Option -  It is the easiest way to attack the edge with an options play.

Spike -  A play wherein the quarterback throws the football on the field quickly after the snap. Technically it is not a complete pass thus stops the clock.

Spinning Fullback -  It’s a single-wing play series, wherein the ball is snapped to a fullback who either passes it to other backs or keeps it himself

Spiral -  The constant lateral movement of the ball subsequent its release from the passer’s hand or punter’s foot..

Split -  The gap between a wide receiver and the closest internal lineman or tight end. Short for line split.

Split Backs -  This is an offensive formation nearly similar to the I-formation with just one difference i.e. the 2 backs are split behind the quarterback rather than being aligned behind him.

Split End -  A player spot on offense. A pass receiver who usually lines up the line of scrimmage and on the exterior of the arrangement.

Split T -  T formation wherein the space between offensive guards and tackles are almost twice as large as the space between the center and the guards.

Splits -  The distance between two adjacent offensive linemen at the line of scrimmage.

Spot -  The location found out by the officials where the football was downed or blown dead.

Spread -  The vague phrase which seems to denote one-back or no-back offenses accompanied by the utilization of the shotgun snap and no tight end.

Spread Offense -  An offensive format in which the quarterback is placed in the shotgun formation and spread the defense straight using 3-, 4-, and even 5-receiver sets. Several spread offenses use the read option sprinting play to have pressure on any sides of the defense.

Spread-option -  Spread with the utilization of the option play further.

Sprint Draw -  It is a move to get the Quarterback out in the open and a running back leading to block.

Sprint Football -  In this form of football, all players must be under the weight of the normal college student. Weight restrictions are even there in many of the youth football leagues.

Sprint-out Pass -  Pass drop wherein the quarterback runs quickly backward and outward broad to one side and throws a pass on the run

Spy -  Refers to the defender having a responsibility to cover one offensive player, generally a quarterback who loves to run with the ball.

Squeeze The Hole -  Right resistive act by a defender to protect the hole to his inner from becoming bigger as a result of his broadening out or being blocked outside.

Squib Kick -  A kind of kickoff wherein the football is deliberately kicked low to the ground, usually getting multiple bounces on the ground prior to being picked up.

Stack -  This term either refers to wide receivers lined up one directly behind the other or a linebacker line up directly behind a defensive lineman

Stalk Block -  Open field, over-the-waist block generally made by broad receivers on defensive backs

Starter -  A player who starts a game or season as the first to play to a particular place on a team.

Starter Reps -  One week before a game, the starter usually gets 2/3 of the practice repetition, whereas his backup gets about 1/3.

Statue Of Liberty Play -  Fake pass play wherein the player who is passing the ball cocks his arm as if to throw the football but another player runs past him from behind and takes the ball.

Stay Home -  Right conduct by back-side defenders when they observe offensive backfield flow is going away from them; they must keep themselves in place for a moment while they ensure to see if a trap, counter, or reverse play is coming toward them prior to flying to the ball.

Stem -  The first part of a pass route wherein the receiver runs straight upfield prior to cutting.

Sticks -  This refers to the two rods, which are fixed at the bottom by a chain precisely ten yards long.

Stiff-arm -  A technique used by the ball-carried in several types of contact football.

Straight Football -  This refers to conventional football in which there are only runs, no trick plays.

Streak -  Pass route wherein the receiver runs straight upfield from his pre-snap spot; Also known as go route or fly the route

Stretch -  Either refers to kind of zone play or offensive technique utilize against defense by sending receivers either deep i.e. vertical stretch or wide i.e. horizontal stretch

String -  Players grouping according to the rank by an ordinal number recognizing their spot on the depth chart. The beginning lineup is the initial string; while the second string is of backups and situational players,  third-string include players who mainly play special teams.

Strip -  Removing the ball from the player who is carrying it.

Strip Sack -  A sack, which results in the quarterback losing the possession of the ball

Strong -  This term is used by some coaches to depict an offensive backfield position wherein the fullback lines up offset to the strong side usually at the back of the strong guard.

Strong I -  A formation in which the tailback is aligned deep straight behind the quarterback and the fullback is aligned offset to the strong side of the formation.

Strong Safety -  There are 2 safety positions on the defense i.e. the strong safety and free safety. The strong safety refers to a linebacker having a speed of safety, responsibility to cover receivers, and has strong force on a running play. The strong safety position is generally in the middle of the field, on the strong side of the team formation.

Strong Side -  Either left or right side of the field, which has the most number of players, depending on the team’s formation.

Stud -  This term either denotes an expert football player or some coaches used it to refer to the strong safety or strong-side linebacker position

Student Body Right (Or Left) -  Toss sweep that includes one or more lead blockers.

Stuff -  A ball carrier’s tackle on a running play, at the back of the line of scrimmage.

Stunt -  A technique used by defensive linemen wherein they change their roles get past the blockers.

Support -  It is a run defense executed by defensive backs

Surprise Punt -  Usually incorrectly known as a quick kick; Any punt, which is from a non-punt arrangement.

Sweep -  A running plays wherein some blockers direct a running back on an intended play to the outside.

Sweep-Slide Play -  An improved edition of the kneel-down play

Swim -  It is a pass-rushing practice move used mainly by defensive lineman and linebackers, where the defender utilizes an arm trick alike a freestyle swimming stroke to get away from a blocker at the line of scrimmage.

Swing -  This route is sprint by the running back, generally similar to the wheel route thrown prior to the turn up the sideline that is release in the direction of the sideline, and then turn or arc upfield ever very little, and try to have a short pass.

Swinging Gate -  Offensive formation wherein the center is entitled and all the not entitled linemen are off to one side some space from the center.

Switch -  Outside defensive back and defensive end switch their duties when slotback, flanker, or split end cracks back on the defensive end stopping him to complete his contain responsibilities.


T Formation -  An offensive formation in which the quarterback positioned directly behind the center and 3 running backs behind the quarterback, making a T. Split-T, wing-T, and wishbone-T are some of its variations.

T-rex Arms -  Receiver arms arranged like those of a tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur.

Tackle -  The action to put a ball carrier on the ground or the position of the player on the line.

Tackle Box -  This is a region on a football field, prior to the snap, which is between the 2 offensive tackles on the offensive line. It is also called pocket as the region is located between the right tackle and left tackle on the offensive line.

Tackle-eligible -  A lineman, which lines up in the place of an eligible receiver

Tackler -  A football player who has the capability to tackle the ball carrier

Tailback -  A position on offense, which aligns in the backfield and has the responsibility to run with the football. The tailback also has the responsibility to catch the ball out of the backfield and helps to block on passing plays. In a one-back offense, tailback is referred to as the running back.

Tailback Pass -  Offensive play wherein a tailback receives a pitch or toss as if to sweep around an end.

Take A Knee -  Generally known as Kneel that refers to a low-risk play wherein the player carrying the ball kneels after getting the snap, which ends the play while the clock still running. This is carried out to finish the game early without facing a riskier play.

Tampa 2 -  It is usually a 4–3 defensive alignment that includes 4 linemen, 3 linebackers, 2 cornerbacks, and 2 safeties

Tandem -  A combination of a linebacker and a defensive lineman, wherein a linebacker stacked behind the defensive lineman.

Tandem Block -  Block by 2 offensive linemen wherein they first double-team a defender on the way to the play side, then, based on the behavior of a linebacker following the defender they are obstructing, one of the players leaves the double-team block and goes upfield for blocking the linebacker that leaves the other player of the to double-team block to block the defensive lineman single-handedly

Tempo -  Sum of the game-clock period between a snap and the next snap for the following play believing no timeout or end of quarter take place.

Tendency -  Players practice running a particular play or defense over 50% of the time in particular situations

The Rose Bowl -  Bowl game played once in a year, more often on January 1  at the Rose Bowl stadium in Pasadena, California.

The Super Bowl -  The common term for the NFL Championship Game, which is played between the champions of the NFC and AFC (two conferences) at the end of the season. This game is generally played on a neutral field, which is determined some years prior to each season.

Third Level -  Refers to the defensive backs region of the field.

Three-and-out -  In this situation a team, after beginning an offensive possession, carry out three plays, fails to have a first down, and then punts. The term derives from the usual practice, in which an offensive team only has 3 "real" plays ahead of expecting the punt.

Three-point Conversion -  Any situation in a game wherein a team is trailing by 6 or more points after scoring a touchdown; or when any side is trailing by 2 or more points after scoring a touchdown in the last 8 minutes. In those circumstances, a team should try a three-point conversion that means a team must score 1 or 2 points in an instant follow-up play to a touchdown.

Three-point Stance -  A stance of a down lineman with 3 points on the ground that means 2 feet and 1 hand

Throwback Pass -  When running back provide a pass to a quarterback or wide receiver who had earlier received a pitch, pass, or handoff from the quarterback

Tight End -  A position of the player on offense, generally called Y receiver, align on the line of scrimmage, beside the offensive tackle. The tight end is utilized as a blocker during a running play

Time Of Possession (Top) -  A statistic, which calculates the time wherein one team has possession of the ball over the other team.

Timeout -  When a playing side stops the clock and game by utilizing their timeouts. The team utilizes time out to take a rest, make substitutions, and determine play strategies for further play.

Tip Drill -  For pass defenders and receivers, there is a once-a-season drill called tip drill organized wherein a short pass is thrown to a player who intentionally hits it up in the air several feet, upon which another player behind him tries to catch it

Tip Off -  Team’s behavior on the field or on its sideline indicating a higher-than-50% probability that a specific play is about to be run

Toss -  This term either refers to the pitch by QB to a tailback running wide or the sweep play using  this method to get the ball to the tailback

Total Offense -  A statistic that signifies the total number of yards passing and yards rushing by any side or player.

Touch Football -  A variant of American football wherein the fundamental rules are like the mainstream game, however, for instance, if we talk about "tackle football" rather than tackling players to the ground, the player owning the ball required only be touched by a member of the opponent’s side to end a down.

Touchback -  The kicker of the opposing side punts the football into or behind the opponent’s endzone or the opponent’s kick returner kneel in the endzone. This begins the next play at the twenty-yard line.

Touchdown -  A play value 6 points, achieved by getting legal possession of the ball in the opposing team’s end zone or by the football crossing the plane of the goal line of the opposing team with legal control by a player. It also permits the side an opportunity to earn one extra point by kicking the football or a two-point conversion

Trap -  An essential blocking pattern wherein a defensive lineman is permitted past the line of scrimmage, only to be obstructed an angle by a pulling lineman. It is a plan to get a favored blocking angle and a bigger hole in the line.

Trey -  This term denotes that there are 3 receivers on one side in a team formation.

Trick Play -  A kind of play, which is meant to make confusion in the defense by utilizing unusual formations or making particular offensive player qualified to catch the ball who is not generally qualified.

Triple Option -  An offensive method that uses 3 backs in a misdirection sprinting play to give the offense multiple options to run with the ball.

Trips -  Offensive pass formation that includes 3 quick receivers on one side, generally a slotback, a tight end, and a flanker on the strong side

True Freshman -  A football player in college who is in his initial year out of high school and possesses sporty and educational eligibility.

True Road Game -  Games, which are played at an opposing team regular home stadium. Try -  A scrimmage down that is neither time nor numbered and granted to a side who has just earned a six-point touchdown, from near to the goal line of an opponent. The try permits the offense to earn an extra one or two points.

Turk, The -  Refers to a team staffer in the NFL who has the responsibility to notify players who will be out from the roster, generally during the preseason and they need to meet the main coach for an exit interview.

Turn The Ball Over On Downs -  When any side utilizes all 4 of their downs without scoring or forming a first down, they must give up the ball to the opposite side.

Turnover -  One team losing the ball to the other team due to a fumble or an interception.

Turnover Margin -  This term defines the number of takeaways caused by the defense of the team minus the number of giveaways caused by the offense of the team. It will always take on a numeral value, though it can be zero, positive, or negative

Turnover Ratio -  The ratio is generally considered as a negative or positive number. For example, if any side has a turnover ratio of +10, it depicts that counting the times they have turned the ball over, they have got the ball from the turnovers of the opponent side 10 times.

Twins -  Offensive formation wherein the weak side has a slotback and a split end

Twirl -  Pass route wherein the receiver primarily goes inward then spins that result in ending up heading directly outward toward the sideline.

Twist -  Refers to a stunt, which is an intended movement by defensive team players in which they change their roles to better slip past blockers of the offensive side at the starting of a play, to better run the passer.

Two Back -  An offensive backfield that includes 2 running backs excluding the quarterback behind the offensive interior line

Two-level Defense -  A defense that includes only 2 rather than the standard 3, levels of the defensive organization.

Two-minute Drill -  Speed up offense wherein the offense attempts to discontinue the clock at the end of as many plays as possible

Two-minute Warning -  A warning for the head coach of each team when there are only 2 minutes left in the half

Two-point Conversion -  A play value two points accomplished by getting legal possession of the ball in the opposite team’s end zone, i.e. through a run or pass, after a touchdown takes place.


Umbrella Defense -  Pass defense was invented in 1950 by New York Giant Tom Landry.

Unbalanced Line -  An offensive line, which has a minimum 3 interior linemen on one side of the center

Under Center -  This refers to the QB aligning straight behind the center to take the snap.

Undrafted -  A player entering the NFL Draft but not selected by any side in the draft's seven rounds. Undrafted player is generally a free agent and can be signed with any team who is willing to take them.

Upback -  Also called the punt protector or personal protector is a blocking back who aligned nearly one to three yards behind the line of scrimmage in punting circumstances.

Upfield -  Into, on the way to, or in the reverse direction of the field, esp. the offensive end

Upman -   Each player on the return side is known as an up man during a kickoff. However, it is not applied to the one to two players who are generally faster and thus called kickoff returners.

Utility Player -  A player who can play at multiple positions.


Vanilla Offense -  An offense that includes little plays or formations. It is utilized mainly in exhibition games to stop opponent coaches from gleaning any details from the playbook of the team.

Veer -  An option running play is usually linked with option offenses. It is an efficient ball control offense, which helps in minimizing mismatches in a game for a team.

Vertical Stretch -  A receiver route wherein the receiver sprint down the field in the direction of the endzone without making any key cuts. Also called a streak, fly, a vertical stretch, go, or a vertical.

Victory Formation -  It takes place when the QB (quarterback) quickly kneels to the ground, concluding the play on contact, after getting the snap.

Vision -  Ball carrier capability to see daylight and cut to it.


Waggle -  Play-action pass wherein the quarterback false a handoff to one side then compress deep to the other side and throws to multiple receivers who are sprinting toward the same side

Waived/Injured -  This term denotes that the team is discharging the player but the player is injured. The team is accountable to compensate the player until his injury has cured.

Walk-on -  This refers to a player who is not getting a scholarship to play football at the college level.

Walkaway -  Defensive alignment wherein the defender keeps himself at a 45-degree angle inside a wide or slot receiver. It is utilize used to stop the receiver from running a rapid slant or look-in pass route

Weak -  This word is used by some coaches to illustrate an offensive backfield position wherein the fullback line up offset to the weak side usually behind the weak guard/weak tackle/weak B gap.

Weak I -  A formation in which the tailback is aligned deep straight behind the quarterback and the fullback is aligned offset to the weak side of the formation

Weak Side -  This term refers to the side of the field in the offensive formation which can be either left or right with the least number of players. Generally, this side is opposite the tight end.

West Coast Offense -  The offense that gives more importance to passing than on running. There are 2 similar but different offensive strategic methods, which are usually called West Coast offenses. This offensive idea uses small, high percentage passes as the base of a ball-control offense.

Wheel Route -  Refers to a pass route wherein the receiver, generally, a running back moves parallel along the line of scrimmage and then takes off up the ground.

Whichever Way He Wants To Go -  Refers to the direction of particular offensive blocks.

Wide -  It is an adjective that denotes the sidelines.

Wide Receiver -  A player position on the offensive which denotes the player is qualified to receive forward passes and is split out wide close to the sidelines. There are several versions of a wide receiver that includes the split end, aligning on the line of scrimmage, the flanker, aligning a few yards behind the line of scrimmage, the slot receiver aligning between the flankers and split end, and the slot back and lineman aligning in the offensive backfield.

Wide Side -  The offensive formation’s side where the space from the ball (prior to the snap) to the sideline is biggest.

Wildcat Offense -  A kind of offensive play, which is renowned by the straight snap to the running back and the offensive line, which is unstable.

Wildcat -  The offense formation wherein the ball is snapped not to the QB (quarterback) but straight to a player of different position align at the quarterback position.  A player travels across the formation before the snap.

Will -  This term refers to the weak side linebacker.

Wing -  Refers to the offensive back who is 1 yard off the line of scrimmage and 1 yard outside the adjacent internal tight end or offensive lineman to his inside

Win Probability -  A statistical mechanism that suggests a winning chance of a team at any given point of time in a game. Win probability in American football calculate score difference between the team, whether a team is a home or away, remaining time, the down and distance, and position on the field.

Wing Back Or Wingback (Wb) -  A position of a player in some offensive formations. Lines up simply outside the tight end and 1 yard off the line of scrimmage. A versatile spot which can be utilized as a blocker, receiver, or runner of reverses.

Winning Percentage -  A statistic utilized in league standings for comparing or ranking teams according to their win-loss records. It is evaluated by dividing the number of winning games to the number of played games.

Win-Loss(–Tie) -  Refers to the wins to losses and ties ratio, articulated as a duo or trio of numbers.

Wishbone -  A formation that includes 3 running backs align behind the quarterback in the shape of a Y, like the shape of a wishbone

Wrong Shoulder -  Block-shedding method wherein the blocking target strikes the blocker with the shoulder on the side further than where the blocker is coming.


X-receiver - Utilized in offensive play calling, generally refers to the split end, the wide receiver lining up on the line of scrimmage.


Y-receiver - This term either refers to a designation utilized in play calling for the third receiver of offense in a play or refers to the main tight end of offense in a play.

Yac -  Known as Yard after the catch, a statistic used for measuring the yards earned after a pass is taken by the receiver.

Yard -  The playing field of American football is generally 100 yards (each yard is 3 feet) with a ten-yard deep end-zone at both ends of the field. A team must advance approx 10 yards to get a new set of downs.

Yard Line -  It is the marking on the field indicating the distance (in yards) to the closest goal line.

Yardage -  During a game, career, play, or season, the number of yards earned or lost is called yardage.

Yards After Catch -  The distance covered by a receiver after taking a pass. Particularly, it is the forward yardage gets from the reception’s position until the receiver loses the ball or get down or runs out of bounds.

Yards From Scrimmage -  It describes the number of yards earned by the offensive team when moving the ball from the line of scrimmage.

Yards Gained -  Generally refer to the yardage, which describes the number of yards earned or lost during a game, season, or career.

Yellow Flag -  An object hold by all referees to indicate a penalty or foul on the field. When a penalty occurs the ref lifts the flag in the air, which is generally weighted yellow cloth, often called Yellow flag.

Yo-Yo Motion -  Motion wherein a motion man changes direction at least once during his motion.


Z-receiver -  A type of receiver who aligns behind the line of scrimmage, generally on the tight end’s side and the split end’s opposite side. Also called a "flanker" or "wide receiver".

Zebra -  A colloquial phrase for an official that refers to their black-and-white striped uniforms

Zone Blitz -  A defensive scheme wherein the defense will drop pass-rushers into coverage and blitzing players, which generally cover receivers.

Zone Blocking -  Refers to the offensive line blocking method expressed under zone play.

Zone Defense -  A defense wherein players are in pass-coverage zones of the field rather than covering individual players.

Zone Read -  An option offense in which the tailback and the quarterback align approximately side-by-side.

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